[EVENT] Chews Box o' Goodies (Competition)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by moonolotl, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. 2014-01-27_18.54.10.png
    Me, FDNY21, Aquazzz, AquazzzAlt, and my old stupid helmet. :D
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  2. um bumpity bumpz =3
  3. bump a dy do, comeone we need more entrys! xD
  4. Ummm... I have had a complete mind blank.
    How do I attach an image?
    derpy james
  5. Common guys, even I alone can take 20 cool MC pictures!
    Patr1cV and DaysInTheDust like this.
  6. Buuuuumpppppppp magic
  7. Chew My entery
    Edit: Changed photo
    Chose which one 2015-02-25_17.55.05.png 2015-02-25_17.54.59.png
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  8. #Smart
    Sabil10 likes this.
  9. So the first picture is my entry, because the creeper and cat are just nose to nose in the middle of a stare down. But I provided the other shots for some comical context.

    "Natural Enemies?"

    *~ My cat clearly couldn't care less (typical), but the creeper looks terrified ~*

    2015-01-11_01.37.28.png 2015-01-11_01.37.35.png
    Chewsy4 likes this.
  10. I was low on ideas, So i just thought What people could actually make some amazing builds, Such as this HUGE glass dome ;)
    (Thanks to SSRCcorp)

    Attached Files:

    Chewsy4 likes this.
  11. how do i attatch a screenie again? I got a really funny + cute one of my Cupid pig, but I can't figure out how to attach it. :(
  12. If you have a link, try the insert image button (The tree picture to the right) And copy it in there ;). I do no know much, And i don`t really know if it works for your picture, Have a go :D
  13. Click upload file in the right corner ^w^