[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Hm pretty good idea for a SWAT team I will be sure to apply
  2. The Sunshine Beamer skyscraper
    Is Now Finished! Go and cheak it out!

    Main builders:
    Rainbowpony1000 & flamekirby7

    But we couldn't have done it without:

    Johnsface101: donated sandstone for the floor & and some glowstone

    Kaizimir: donated a bunch of ink sacks so we could stain the glass

    Suriyakeng: Donated almost a full DC of glass for this project & some glowstone

    Airgasious: donated Heaps of glowstone

    thank you to everyone who helped in this project :)
  3. Please Help!

    Carthaga SWAT are lookin for a place to get things done and organised asap.

    If anyone knows of somewhere, you would be helping us out big time.

    My small appartment in 4b is not big enough for us to conduct operations.
    Even a small office space would work perfectly.

    Carthaga SWAT is not just a pie in the sky bit of fun.
    Besides all SWAT team officers receiving free weapons and training,
    we are also keen to organise a welcoming committee with the goal of minimizing the threat of greifing.
    Any help anyone could give would be gratefully appreciated not only by Carthaga SWAT, but by the People of Carthaga for the benefits it will bring.

    If you do want to help, post on here, in Carthaga group chat, or PM me or SEPTHEKID
    Thanks, and good luck Carthaga
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  4. U can pick out a room in the skyscraper if u want :)
    SEPTHEKID, toby316625 and Airgasious like this.
  5. :confused: great idea me thinks, give the Sunshine Beamer its first tenant
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  6. Rainbowpony1000 that is awesome, and welcome to the team also! Im sure SEPTHEKID will agree with my also, but i think you should have the honour of chosing where in the skyscraper the office is
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  7. :) ty, I think the top floor would be awesome! If u want I can start building the offices
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. your threats can't scare us just jive up on what ever game your playing and maybe just maybe we will forgive you but its very unlikely
  9. Whatsthefoxsay1 hasn't been on in 3 days :rolleyes:
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  10. I look like an astronaut In that picture :D plus I was afk :p
    Sweetcutey likes this.
  11. Please welcome Duckster087 to the group. a friend of mine
  12. Lol Dashy, I was afk in the first picture. XD
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  13. xDDDDD Lol.
  14. Please let your friend apply through the forums with the application form. We will then send him the starter's guide with many useful informations. Thanks
  15. Hey Kai!
    Is there any big projects or building projects I could do? Cause as it turns out, I really like building :D
  16. Same here, so let me know if there's any else I could do :)
  17. Ok guys, I have something. Give me a moment.
  18. :D ty
    Getting kinda bored here lol
    Suriyakeng likes this.
  19. 2014-12-07_11.54.31.png 2014-12-07_11.54.33.png 2014-12-07_11.54.43.png Could the space-ship John and I are building be seen as a big job :D?
    It is a lot of work, but we are getting there because we now have the resources ready.
    Patr1cV and Kaizimir like this.