[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Just a little forum statistic:
    If sorting the Wilderness Frontier section of the forums by 'replies' Carthaga has the sixth position of all the outposts. If sorting by 'views' we have the 11th rank. That is probably due to the thread being relative young.
    But we are on a good way and soon rank up a few spots. Keep it up, guys :)
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  2. I need more votes for the committee! So far I have only 4. Please go to the top of the portal tower and drop your vote! Voting books are in the chest.

    The last voting day for the next term is Sunday, 08/31!
  3. can i join my dad and brother are in your group i am 5 never been kicked from anywhere estern time zone and i can build a home close to my dad if it is ok or where you want me
  4. hey donna, yes you can join and build your house where you want :)
  5. thank you i will be there soon
    Kaizimir likes this.
  6. 2014-09-02_19.08.43.png Raw chicken farm is done, Kai :D
    Kaizimir and Scorpio528 like this.
  7. yay, screenshot :)
  8. Voting results:
    3 votes for Scorpio528
    2 votes for Sweetcutey
    2 votes for Suriyakeng

    2 votes were not valid (please name only one candidate; don't vote for me)

    Participation: 26%

    Because of the draw for the second seat,the committee and I decided that we will increase the number of seats if necessary. We think this reflects best the result of the vote. If the result of the next vote (10/31/2014) is clear again, we go back to 2 seats.

    The new committee:

    Scorpio528 ------ Sweetcutey ------ Suriyakeng

    Votes for the next committee will be counted on the 31/10/2014!
    The voting chest is always accessible and you can drop your vote any time within the next 8 weeks.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  9. Minecraft is weird sometimes:
    AshBlue789 and Scorpio528 like this.
  10. Me and mah pecks! >:3
  11. If Kai ever wanted a body guard, all he'd need to do is look back on this picture and he'd know who to hire >:)
    Kaizimir and Scorpio528 like this.
  12. Sweets, Suri and I found a mesa biome.

    Attached Files:

    Kaizimir and Scorpio528 like this.
  13. Cordinates for~
    1. IceSpike x:56238 z:-360
    2. Mesa x:51342 z:-342
    Happy time
    And Kai, please get to online!!
    Kaizimir and Scorpio528 like this.
  14. 2014-09-07_17.55.01.png Ridiculousness
    spartan0405 and Scorpio528 like this.
  15. 1. IGN: lindseyd
    2. Timezone: Eastern
    3. How old are you on EMC: 630 days
    4. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: No
    5. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall: No
    6. Why do you want to join PoC: It'd be fun to have something different to do on EMC :)
    7. Summarize in one sentence Carthaga's mission: To have a strong, fun community.

    Suriyakeng and Scorpio528 like this.
  16. Hey lindseyd, welcome abooard :) I sent you a pm with the coordinates and a way description. As soon as you arrived and set up your home in the far east frontiers I will add you to the list of members. Hope to meet you online soon so I can show you around, alternatively there are plenty of active members that will help you out with any question. To get started most important is our job and ranking system as well as the votes for our committee. How that all works is described in the opening post (this thread first page) but also in-game in Carthaga. Best you just check it out :)
  17. Wow, so cool :) And it is right along the netherrail, isn't it? Our geographical knowledge has grown tremendously and we have access to most biomes now. We just need to think about how to claim these areas, to ensure we can keep access to them. Anyways, great job!

    Sorry, I couldn't be online yesterday to celebrate with you guys. I can't wait to be there tonight though :D
  18. BOOM!!!!!!! Blue Sefie!!!!
  19. 2014-09-13_17.36.27.png 2014-09-13_17.36.27.png
    Please ignore the fact that we are standing on a pumpkin mound with KrysyyJane and a bunch of other players in the background with some weird dirt thing. And that vast amount of said players are dying.
    And Note: My head is on some random skin that I've never seen before and Sweets is a man.

    Great Job Minecraft :D
    wildbeast23 and Kaizimir like this.
  20. haha, you guys look funny again. Actually it seems to happen only to you two, lol.
    You might have a special version of Minecraft with downloadable content from Microsoft, that automatically changes your skin for a more realistic game experience - who wears the same cloth everyday?
    And then these gender changes...