[Staff] Aikar has been defeated.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Faithcaster, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. ok can we say I took of unbreakable? lol
  2. What about Akat drops on stack of EVERYTHING inn vinilla minecraft? I that happened, that would only be a little OP
  3. Too much to carry... And a stack of beacons, nether stars, diamond blocks, and dragon eggs? Hmm...
    607 likes this.

    1. that number is to high think of it as this.

      once every hour there is a 1 out of 100 percent chance of aikat spawning.

      this mob is passive until player gets in 60 blocks of him. then he will get an axe named the ban hammer and charge at you. your death message will be "_____ just got hit by the ban hammer of doom!" this will display around the whole server.

      He will summon his cat minions. they all are black cats named Don't Fight The AIKAT! wioth bold red text.

      if you die by these beasts with 30 hit points your death message will be "The Cats got to _____."

      If you kill Aikat he will drop multiple things... 30 to 64 diamonds, always 1 stack of gold ingots, he will drop a axe named Copied ban hammer this ban hammer will have sharpness 3 knock back 2 and the item is unbreakable final and soulbound. he also will drop 1 to 8 dragon stone fragments. he has 2 rare drops 1 is a dragon stone that has a 10% chance of dropping. the last one is supposed to be a collectible item that is a god apple called 'Aikat's Apple of Kats And Freedom (this would show up in bold and orange.)". this item has a 2% chance of dropping.

      last but not least Aikat him self. this cat adoring coding beast has speed 1 resistance 2 and strength 1. his ban hammer is a weapon that WILL one shot you he has a diamond axe called The Ban Hammer". this beast has sharpness 10. Aikat has 500 hit points. he also can "blink" once evry 30 seconds but he blinks behind you and when he blinks he gets slowness 2 for 5 seconds.

      oh my. That was a handful. well if you read all of that thank you.

      How many hours went into this?
  4. one to two hours.