Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. 2014-05-07_17.48.16.png
    So decked :p
    deathconn likes this.
  2. Maxarias.jpg
    When Max gets on smp2, she becomes minecraft.
    cowland123 likes this.
  3. Aw... 2013-10-04_02.19.19.png
    Ooh, lava lake. That's why this desert feels so hot. 2013-10-04_03.04.56.png
    Nope, I'm not going to commit suicide today... Looks like somebody else is though

    By the way, it is so difficult to remember which screenshots I've posted already and which ones I did not, because I don't post that often any more :p
  4. 2014-05-12_20.07.24.png
    cowland123 likes this.
  5. Until I took an arrow to the... Um...
    yes knee that's it
  6. *Knock Knock*

    Sorry I don't want any! Try the house down the road!

    607, Defluxer, Nilex92 and 1 other person like this.
  7. 2014-05-16_21.33.10.png
    Just me and Dinner, lonely on Utopia :(
    607 likes this.
  8. Oh yah, I just look too fab in that pic. *Flutters lashes*
  9. I remember coming home on singleplayer to find this:
    fire house.jpg
    Not my happiest day.
  10. With every new update comes new glitches.
    Minecraft Glitch.png
    607 likes this.
  11. Why not? Also, how did that happen?
  12. maybe it was my fireplace. after all, everything in the house was wooden
  13. 2014-05-16_21.15.32.png

    TNT is kind of my thing
  14. places beyond your wildest dreams
    PortalShoo2er likes this.
  15. Was messing around with my video settings to improve performance on another game and it caused Minecraft to glitch some how :confused: screen.png
  16. I think I'm being watched 2014-05-19_20.41.16.png
    607 and battmeghs like this.
  17. I think Chickeneer is weird...
    Enough said... though possible profile pic? ;)
    607 and nick5013 like this.