Wild base protection

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by dresden72, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. I was just there and got pics of guys at the Cabin. the place is wasted and they were down below. Need assistance in what i do next
  2. Are you freaking kidding me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Those pricks ripped it all apart! That is it, I have had it
  3. Upload the screenshots to imgur, then in the pm's with the staff handling the situation, post them for the staff to see. If that staff member isn't on, add another who is who can help out.
  4. just gave the pics to Dresden72. he will send them over to a mod
  5. If you guys need just PM me, I run the Rainbow Butte Outpost with PandasEatRamen, sonicol1, portalshoo2er, Curundu, and hashhog. I can help you rebuild it, or we can work something else out. I feel bad for you guys its crap to be griefed like that...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. thanks for the support... and offer... we will be in contact
    britbrit3197 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  7. I saw they got caught and banned, hopefully there isn't anymore out there waiting for the right moment to strike.
    wkramer79 likes this.
  8. Your outpost and stuff is really cool. you shouldn't give up.

    I believe the problem players are now gone. so the future is bright.

    I'm not really doing much on smp6 atm, perhaps I can assist in rebuild? (I know it sucks to have to redo what you've already built once/twice)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  9. can we share who it was that did it and got banned?
  10. I'm not sure naming them is a good idea. But i'll find out.

    Suffice to say, those involved know who the griefers were, so it's not a secret.

    And as they are perma banned, it's not like you will see them in EMC again.
  11. Thanks for the rebuild help offers. But i'm going to look at the bright side and use the opportunity to rebuild from scratch in another location. Learned alot building this one and have a few things that I want to do over. And as someone mentioned I like building stuff. Particularly massive machines and such for those that have seen my sugar farms and R2-D2 on smp6 :)