Fantasy Fortress

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by sideshowallie, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Added a 'Donations' spoiler, please let me know if I missed you.

    There will also be a new thread created once the project is complete, because I have OCD and this thread is messy :p
    shadow_bunny13 likes this.
  2. After an unfortunate break period, where we ran into an artistic block of a sorts, we've modified our plans slightly. The layout will be different in the project, partly so we can make this easier for us, partly so we can display our skills better.

    The idea is that we'll have some medieval structures with steampunk mixed through on the ground, and the fantasy spires and keeps on the floating area. We have started up again though, so here is an update pic! (Well, two really)

    Default Pack

    Conquest Pack:

    (Sorry, the second picture is less high-definition because the EMC forums won't allow large image files)
  3. Terraforming has begun!
  4. You can pay a senior staff to let you build over the walkway.
  5. I know. We're just going to finish the residence construction completely before we build over the paths and change the biomes, just so we know that we haven't forgotten anything.
    vividOptimism and 607 like this.
  6. That looks awesome!
    shadow_bunny13 and sideshowallie like this.
  7. Update photo, just how far we've gotten.
    cadgamer101 and AliceF3 like this.
  8. I didn't even notice that I got a room:D This is so cool! :DD
    sideshowallie likes this.
  9. I came across this earlier ingame some how, it is a masterpiece!
    607, shadow_bunny13 and sideshowallie like this.
  10. Thanks :D

    Progress can go pretty slowly at some times, generally due to life things or lack of inspiration, but I'm planning on speeding up the build so it will be done hopefully this year :)
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  11. Update! We've actually gotten around to doing some decent work! I'm hopeful that we'll have the mountain, walls and towers done pretty quickly now.

    Shadow has also been messing around with some more natural/organic and relaxed themes.

  12. Update: Shadow built an awesome windmill!
    607, Jimbonothing64 and Gadget_AD like this.
  13. Now with 213% more retaining walls!

    On a more serious note; Sorry for the long period of inactivity. We kind of ground to a halt when we realized that we didn't really know what we were doing. We have a better idea now though and we'll try to avoid something like this again!
    vividOptimism, 607 and Stinkydoodie like this.
  14. oh lord.. those lighting glitches look terrible xD
    sideshowallie likes this.
  15. Hah, anyone with smooth lighting on won't see them, I can get pretty pictures again once I get my hands on a 1.7.4 shader :p
  16. oh i didn't see this thead. But i just happen to visit an hour ago. looked really cool! :) can't wait to see the end result
    sideshowallie likes this.
  17. :) I hope it is not rude to bump this? This is still going, right? ^.^
    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  18. Of course! I will actually be putting serious work into the project again in four days. School threw an enormous wrench in the works and Shadow is busy working on a minigame map, but we'll have some updates soon :D
    607 and Jimbonothing64 like this.