9/11 Memorial Replica Donations

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by Biscuitboy, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Thanks Michael Nolan for donating 3,000r and 32 lapis blocks!
  2. welcome i am excited to see this project when it is done
  3. New Request... Black wool
  4. mystul is making one on res 911 <--- use to be my res... we traded
  5. Oh well he is a little late
    Michael_Nolan likes this.
  6. lol yup
  7. Erm - I wont be rude if you wont be. I would like to add I mentioned this a while ok to a few ppl :)

    The more the merrier...
  8. true its something that needs to be remembered
  9. I for one love the fact that at 16 you respect and wish to memorialize it... THANX

    Although I was in Germany at the time it happened... it as a VERY busy few months after that... and a long 6 years (for me).
  10. Yeah all i remember though is how my dad and uncles all who are firefighters were down there like 4 days a week for 3 months looking for bodies
  11. wat annoyes me is at my school all we do is have around 3 seconds of silence and then we just go back to regular activitys like nothing ever happened
    TannerT likes this.
  12. all we do in school is talk about it in socials... (because i live in canada)
  13. After Checking we will need A TON of wool please drop if off at 10005
  14. Donated 1,000r! Check your history! :) I'm happy to contribute, this will be truly amazing.
  15. what server?
  16. SMP5
  17. hey dude i think ill donate the same way as tanner. just look in your history but ill pm you what im gonna donate ok? then jsut check your history to confirm that you got it.
  18. Thanks Tanner and Bobert for your generous donations
    TannerT likes this.
  19. In my personal opinion I believe it should be on res 911. Not that it really matters as long as it's being built, but it just seems like it would be all the more sentimental. Maybe you two could collaborate and have it built there. Just my thoughts though it's not anything you have to deeply consider :)
  20. Considering i have already put a lot of effort into the one at my res already that is quite unlikley