Contest: The Incredible Machine!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JabrZer0, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. did you fill out the form? By that I mean the thing near the bottom of the first post/the thing everybody has used to give info(look above at the last post equinox made)
  2. Wow is this still going?!
  3. I haven't been to anybody's contraption, but looking at the list, I'm interested to see

    gtabmx, EEJester, Cypher3c, mining_jawa, Bloodra1n, Ijiojiugyhhh, Araciz, Prothagarus.

    because I'm unsure of what exactly it does, and I'm interested to see

    Zabriel and Sunslayer_1337 have screens... I can do a screen but I wanna see how they do it.

    because I'm good with redstone and realize how this task might be if not approached properly. Wow that was way too formal :p. The 1st list doesn't mean it's hard or will be good, it simply means depending on what they mean, it might be hard.
    BTW ZzyborgHD it depends on how high it goes. Elevators are easy to go up, but If you know how to use redstone, then you know that going down gets exponentially harder for every piston you add.
    gtabmx likes this.
  4. I did, and I got ahold of JabZer0 last nite. We cleared things up (he was actually working on it, i just wasnt seeing and updated version.)
  5. Why does EVERYONE think elevators are made from pistons!!!!! Mine is made from TRAPDOORS and it still works!!!!!!
    BigDavie likes this.
  6. Because pistons are the general way that people build elevators?
  7. I guess.
    BigDavie likes this.
  8. But trap doors are creative and imginative.
    BigDavie likes this.
  9. Game almost done, just have to write the documentation (i.e. signage :p). Feel free to come see the project at 8206 on SMP4, but understand that I can't show you how to play yet, as I am busy writing. It should be done by the end of today (fingers crossed).

    EDIT: ALL DONE!!!!

    Come Play! (you gotta bring at least one friend, but you can play 2v2 or even 2v1).
  10. During the voting I am closing the dice to gambling use so that everyone can try and see the dice.

    Step 1: Join Empire Minecraft's SMP2 server,

    Step 2: Type /v 3898

    Step 3: Each pair of dice is connected to a start lever they will be marked with signs and directions. (Even if the torch is already on you should still flip lever to ensure start)

    Step 4: After the dice are started enter a rolling room. The roll button is on the wool that is not the same color as the room (red room roll = black, black room roll = red)

    Step 5: Watch the die for your number and wait to make sure display is completely loaded (i.e. not going from 2 to 6)

    Step 6: Hit reset button and wait for lights to go off before rolling again.
    nnnnmc1 likes this.
  11. Also the engineering floor will be open so that everyone can see the computers that engine the dice. In order to get to them, turn around when you teleport. The door will be open, go down the stairs about halfway and turn around. Climb up to the computer floor. The computers are broken down and color-coded with wool.

    3-Bit binary randomizer and ram (cyan)

    Binary Decoders
    Zero (Purple)
    One (Red)
    Two (Orange)
    Three (Dark Green)
    Four (Blue)
    Five (Dark Grey)
    Six (Black)
    Seven (White)

    Display Encoders
    Zero (Magenta)
    One (Pink)
    Two (Yellow)
    Three (Lime Green)
    Four (Light Blue)
    Five (Silver)
    Six (Brown)
    Seven (White)

    Two of the computers do not have the number zero this does not affect dice performance.

    Display Input
    hayleycolgan and nnnnmc1 like this.
  12. Will there be voting, or a panel of judges? I've never been really clear about how the winners will be chosen :confused:

    Edit: I get it now, thanks!
  13. There's both

    Username: pureer11
    Server: utopia
    Lot # (or Wild): 5072
    status (complete / not complete): complete
    Location on Lot, if Necessary:
    Function (What does your machine do?): with the pull of a lever, a dark room lights up with by redstone, repeaters, and sticky pistons moving to cause glowstone to illuminate the room
  15. This may be last-minute, but I'm hoping I can still enter.
    Username: InvisibleUp
    Server: SMP3
    Lot # (or Wild): 7086
    status (complete / not complete): Complete
    Location on Lot, if Necessary: Take the minecart at spawn and go down the water chute.
    Function (What does your machine do?): It is a 2-player cart racing game, with automatic cart reset, a win/loss system, and the ability to stop runaway carts in their tracks. Read the signs for how to play. Also, full brightness is recommended (P.S: If needed I can provide a .schematic of an undecorated version for analysis of the circuitry. Also, you (and everybody else) have use perms.)
  16. Watch out empire here come the undercover sethbling!
  17. Username: darklands99
    Server: smp3
    Lot # (or Wild): 6688
    status (complete / not complete): complete(well, it will be by end of 3/14)
    Location on Lot, if Necessary: spawn, use is allowed for all
    Function (What does your machine do?): combination lock security door for entrance. Includes light when entering room to enter code, with sound ticker. Once time is out or the wrong code is entered, a anti security device drops you down into a pit and a series of pistons force you into a jail cell with can be viewed by all once inside the structure. If the correct code is entered, the hidden door opens allowing access inside the structure. correct code is 135.
    Please keep in mind that piston action will seem slow if more than 30 ppl are on the server, which is unfortunately most of the time.
  18. Username: nothinged
    Server: smp3
    Lot # (or Wild): 7336
    status (complete / not complete): complete
    Location on Lot, if Necessary:
    Function (What does your machine do?): it turns itself off

    Video link removed: please don't post video's with offensive language and/or actions in them. Consider the website and game servers 'pg13+' so anything you post should be appropriate for this age group.
    margaritte and nnnnmc1 like this.
  19. I'd like to do a youtube video of mine, but I'm afraid my framerate will really stink (I have a plenty powerful computer, but it doesn't like this game much for some reason; fiddling with optifine doesn't seem to help that much). If I don't end up making it, you really need a second person to play the game with you to make it (or to watch two people play).

    Not to say that I won't give it a shot.

    Whats the deadline for posting the video?