Contest: The Incredible Machine!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JabrZer0, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. The Incredible Machine


    The contest is OVER!!! I'm currently editing the video's I've been able to take (Sorry to those who didn't make it into the video. I tried my best :( ), and I'll hopefully open up the voting either tomorrow or Friday at the latest. Meanwhile, the judges may be coming around to your entries to see them, so DON'T tear them down yet!

    We've had some amazing entries, and I'm excited to see who takes home the 25,000 RP grand prize. I'll put final voting details in the voting thread tomorrow/Friday. So keep your eyes open for the voting thread, and VOTE! Make your voice heard.


    The entry list can be found here: Redstone Contraption Contest Doc

    ------------ORIGINAL CONTEST INFO BELOW--------------

    The Incredible Machine
    (Redstone Contraptions: Ends March 14th)


    Every so often, while exploring the Empire, I come across some redstone machine or mechanism that amazes me. I want to encourage these redstone designs and see the best of what the Empire can do. This contest will reward those who branch out past the normal uses of redstone to make functional, creative, and good looking contraptions.

    There are THREE categories in which you will be judged:
    1. Functionality - What does your contraption do? How well does it do it? The best machines will do things that seem impossible, or provide elegant and efficient solutions to problems.
    2. Creativity - I DO NOT want to see hundreds of basic cobble generators and 2x3 automatic doors. Make something new. Make something that makes people go "Wow. I wish I'd thought of that"
    3. Aesthetics - Redstone contraptions are usually ugly mixes of wire and machine parts. Make your contraption look awesome. (maybe either hide wiring... or if you have something particularly impressive, put it on display!)

    - The contest ended on March 14th

    PRIZES based on voting by the EMC community:

    - Grand Prize - 25,000 RP, 64 Diamonds, and a custom badge for the forums
    - 1st Place - 20,000 RP, badge
    - 2nd Place - 15,000 RP, badge
    - 3nd Place - 10,000 RP, badge

    In addition, there will be THREE more prizes awarded by a panel of judges (you may win one of these even if you already one a prize listed above). Each of these prizes has a prize of 5000RP and a badge. If your entry doesn't meet basic standards in the other categories, you will be ineligible for these prizes:

    - Most FUNCTIONAL machine - Your machine made us scratch our heads and ask "How in the world did they make that work?"

    - Most CREATIVE machine - You journeyed beyond our wildest imaginations, and came back with an idea we never would have thought of.

    - Most BEAUTIFUL machine - Your machine looks like the baby of Mick Jagger and Marilyn Monroe. You are an artist.


    No more applications are being accepted.

    Below are examples of the badges:

    DONATIONS: to donate to the prize pool, contact me in game, or /rupees pay me and send me a personal message here on the site telling me how much you donated. Thanks to those who have donated! You've made the prizes for this contest the biggest in EMC history!

    List of Donors So Far: Yukon1200 (3k), 333kirby (5k), d1223m (5k), apamment (10k), Zabriel (10k), Amadai (10k), theenigmaparadox (3k), nightmare32808 (7k), Dreamytje (15k)
  2. I'll donate 5000
    Equinox_Boss and 72Volt like this.
  3. "Functionality - What does your contraption do? How well does it do it? The best machines will do things that seem impossible, or provide elegant and efficient solutions to problems."

    D1223M's Automatic farms would be perfect for this.
  4. Think so too
  5. I'd like to enter :)
    Username: margaritte

    Server: Utopia

    Lot # (or Wild):5353
    status: complete -- though I might spruce it up a bit to make it more aesthetically appealing.

    Location on Lot, if Necessary: Center of lot -- go behind the giant mushroom shop.
    There's nothing on the form to indicate what the machine does. Mine is a giant chicken roaster.:)

    Edit: Here's a pic showing the outside "spruced up"

    Second edit: Here's a link to my video:
    gsotocast and doomauculas like this.
  6. Just added that :) thanks.
  7. Shamefully My redstone contraptions are a Blaze spawner and a lighthouse. Nothing pretty or special. XD
  8. Crazy! I had this exact same idea today and was going to message a couple of people about it! Great idea Jabr! I'll speak to you in game about donating.
    JabrZer0 likes this.
  9. You could do some interesting stuff with a lighthouse...
  10. Redstone is very laggy for me, clockwork does not go so well, like many other things. I can use redstone, i can make things but with the lag, it does not look pretty at all, Which makes it look like its not working properly lol.
  11. Username: copherfield
    Server: smp3
    Lot # (or Wild): 6105
    status (complete / not complete): Complete
    Location on Lot, if Necessary: Only building standing.
    Function (What does your machine do?): It's a passcode door, it will open and close a vault, and also if the code it's correct, it will open illumination system and a piston door :)
    i will give use and move perms to you :D
    If anyone wants one of those, ask me! - password is 374C
  12. I'm not really sure how the judging will go on this one? Will we each give the judges a demonstration and explain how it works?
    ivonator123 likes this.
  13. Username: twinchicken86
    Server: SMP6
    Lot #: 12102
    Status: Not complete, barely started
    Location on lot: Back behind rear right corner of shop
    Function: It is a really cool trap door, which can become a secret entrance into an underground base. It is completely hidden, and hoe activated. It functions very well. There will be a sign next to the hoe activation dirt block. It can also be operated by a lever, for judging purposes.
  14. Perhaps either explain how it works in your application, make a button that activates it that is accessible to everyone, or make a video :)
  15. Here is my entry, and thanks for the opportunity.

    Username: gtabmx

    Server: smp3

    Lot # (or Wild): 6328

    status (complete / not complete): complete

    Location on Lot, if Necessary: Basement of casino, to the left of door upon entry

    Function (What does your machine do?): It is a completely random redstone racing game. Basically, there are 3 tracks, Magenta, Cyan, and Orange. The redstone repeaters light up one after another around the track, but with random delays, so the outcome of which entire track is lit up first, second, and third (along with the total times) is random. Half the circuitry is shown (the top layer repeaters) while the rest (7 layers of complex wiring) is hidden below. The wiring has no specific logic, but is complex due to the compactness and difficulty to power each piston individually. The center houses a 4-putput random pulsar (only 3 outputs are used), and the tracks are basically serial decimal counters.
    FooHundred likes this.
  16. gtabmx you typed your res number wrong
  17. That sounds awesome!
    gtabmx likes this.

    Username: iCurtis23
    Server: smp5
    Lot # (or Wild):10434
    status (complete / not complete):Complete
    Location on Lot, if Necessary: Spawn
    Function (What does your machine do?): Opens a 3x3 door in a spiral
  19. Thanks, fixed it. I think :D

    Thanks, if you see me online, I'd be happy to show you it running.

  20. :( cant see it