Olaf's Midlife Crisis Giveaway!!! (300 days)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Olaf_C, Dec 20, 2013.


Have You Heard of Me?

Who hasn't? 54 vote(s) 65.9%
I have heard of you here and there. 21 vote(s) 25.6%
I am sort of clueless who you are. 8 vote(s) 9.8%
I have never heard of you at all 9 vote(s) 11.0%
Nick5013 is pretty 36 vote(s) 43.9%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. lets fill them slots! \o3o/
  2. 31, and 35 for WolfStormstrike if alts are allowed, and i can post with the other account if u wud like XD
  3. I am sorry, i do not accept alts.
  4. Can I have 58? Thanks :), Olaf remember when I first met you trying to sell you a fire work and we both were mean to each other, it's so nice that you and I are friends, and both of us have matured. Cya later and happy holidays :)
  5. Please can I have number 39. Congratz for your 300 days!, it's really good to see how you were changing trough the time in EMC (I'm still at the noob part :p), I have also made mistakes and it's normal we are people, but never give up, neither in minecraft, nor IRL :).
  6. Bump because right now I am trapped on a subway. I never use public transport and now that I do I get stuck, lol
  7. Bump. Feel free to ask me a question also.
  8. 52, please. What did you see when your eyes were opened?
  9. 7 please, shrek 1 or 2?
  10. 55 please :3
  11. even more dark
  12. 55 :) And write more!!!
  13. sorry, that number was taken.
  14. Okay 56 :p
  15. Completely forgot about this! bump.
  16. That was quite the tale Olaf! Glad to sill have ya around and hope you stay around for a while! :) I will take any number available.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  17. 29 thanks!
    Olaf_C likes this.
  18. 34 plz and i wonder how many people reed the whole thing i did :p
    607 and Olaf_C like this.