Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. It's been a while since I've put a picture on here

    So here you go
  2. Wow, love your eyes! :3
    Cordial_Pie and battmeghs like this.
  3. That seems to be the theme in these Show Yourself threads... Everyone loves Battmeghs' eyes.
  4. In other News. Here is a nice picture of me:
  5. But but... I though you were mor like this...
  6. I pictured him more like this:
  7. So many question I want to ask about this pic.....but so little time to ask them. :p
    Gadget_AD, 607, Cchiarell6914 and 6 others like this.
  8. Yes, that is a Deep Freezer
  9. He isn't too far from that ;)
    battmeghs likes this.
  10. Better be that Christmas sweater I see unde your jacket/coat
  11. My Boyfriend (Rougarou77)and I...

    Some more of me..

    Sunni & I, Geaux Tigers!

    After I tried to dye my hair brown... sadly it did not hold.. its always been a hassle to dye my hair. with my red hair for some reason holding another pigment, it says no way rofl

    Below is a album full of photo's of my Animal companions <3
    mba2012, jrm531 and Palmsugar like this.
  12. What's this? a video??
    Yerr why not.

    Last night's concert, a trio harmony of "The Parting Glass".
    I am on the right.

  13. Great voice, always wanted to be in choir :p
    kuraudochuu and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  14. Pretty c:
    battmeghs likes this.
  15. As everyone is getting pictures of themselves.... I will add one soon c:
    Palmsugar likes this.
  16. turn upppp
  17. Oh noes dis be endin' soon! We must go on a pic-postin' spree! Just put on a Santa hat, get in the exact same pose as in one of your other pictures, and smile! But not a crazed serial killer smile. A Christmas smile. :) We must surpass da 2012! *Disclaimer: I will not actually be posting a pic, but I look forward to seeing yours.*
    607 and mba2012 like this.
  18. No shave November 2013 :D.
  19. wow your amazing!!!
  20. Just me and simone being adorable, As normal.

    (Crossed out Facebook friends names fo teh safeties)

    Also Inuy was attempting to show his face but its a black screen xD
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