Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Brisingr34, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. *paid =P

  2. Dang it
    cowland123 and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  3. Krysyyjane, you should wear a red dress with wings and a 8 pound dragon helmet/head/mask thing. It is a good look for you :p.
  4. Gosh kry, those wings are amazing :eek:. You inspire me to make myself a costume if I can ever go to minecon. :D
    oidgod and Olaf_C like this.
  5. Krysyy?
    Tell me you mentioned EMC.
    Still good job on winning.
    Your famous viral now. :D
  6. OMG thats AWESOME! XD


    Shady manatee says: You have made us proud... [Insert evil laugh here]
  7. Someone should make a skin like Pyro, red dragoon costume and kryss's face (like the costume she wore yesterday)

    Palmsugar likes this.
  8. I claim this idea. Making it now
  9. I agree for it to be implemented. Now that there's new terrain with 1.7, adding new creatures to them won't require the generation of new chunks.
  10. Krysyy just advertised the site at minecon!
    Palmsugar, Olaf_C, Parkerjv9 and 3 others like this.
  11. Gotta love that krysyyjane9191 just advertised EMC to 18000 people + all the guys at MineCon.
  12. OMG Signed XBOX that's awesome
  13. 400 guests on the forum...
    ...please make them all welcome.
  14. DANG.
    I think that's a record.
  15. Alriiight
  16. Krysyy, you never fail to amaze me :D. Great job on the costume and thanks for helping boost EMC!
  17. I'm scared.
  18. Which part in the livestream did she advertise? Can someone show me? This is going to be EPIC :D
  19. YAA, GO KRYSYY. I think we all need to do something for her. Also I think she should get promoted or something. She should be EMC's spoke person.