Hahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahhauahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha newbs hahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahhauahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha
You asked for it: Anyways, on the topic of the thread... Wow... Minecraft is very young compared to games like Tetris which started the entire puzzle game genre.... Now THAT was retro.
"Researchers say that peopl will think that dota 2 was the birth of gaming... No they won't.... It has a TWO in it i mean wtf. Nothing makes sense anymore....
I think this entire thing is a hoax. Surely people aren't this stupid... I hope. Edit: After five seconds of looking around the site it becomes obvious that this site is trying to be like The Onion. None of this is real people; it is satirical.
I think I see why you are posting this here. That article is probably fake. Like one of the commenters said there are no sources as to where they got the numbers. This is either bad journalism or just fake. I also did a quick internet search and the only thing to come up was this article. It is pretty fun to read though and makes a lot of face palm moments.
Omg,omg,omg! What kind of kids are those who answer that! Noobs! My little brother of 10 years knows more about old games than a 35 old guy. XD
http://edition.cnn.com/2013/08/09/tech/innovation/mars-one-applications/index.html I recall the first game ever was "Tennis for 2".