[GIVEAWAY] 10,000 Rupees! 450 DAYS + AMA

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by samsimx, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. I dont its nice rly
    I dont think so, but things can change
    Honestly I dont know, but my name is Sam not samsimx if you were thinking that!
    Just the community and all my friends!
    Not a preference of mine but I am up for new things.
    Until EMC dies out or I just get too bored
    Heard some kids from my school talking about it and decided I'd try it out
    Least? When superheros can just grow or shrink!
    I have 3, 2 for EMC and 1 for mini game servers!
    kuraudochuu, Jake_bagby and 607 like this.
  2. 47, Why have you been missing the smp2 monday night dramas?!?!?!?
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  3. Chicken wings or chicken filet?and 69 xD
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  4. I was informed these stopped happening Ill have to come back! :p
    Chicken wings probably
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  5. 22 plez.

    Cheese steak or New York Strip?
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  6. Favourite SMP? 67 please :)
  7. 46 if you could change ur mc name wat would it be
    Jake_bagby and 607 like this.
  8. On a scale from 1 - 10 how amazing is this server?41 Please
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  9. 29 please :D

    How many classes do you and Laura have in that private school? ;p
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  10. 16, please! Are you bi/tri/quardri/etc.-lingual? If so, what languages can you speak?
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  11. 42. Where do you live?
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  12. 44. Was my name supposed to be on the list?
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  13. Numer 26 please :)
    Do you think one day Aikar destroyes the economy? :p
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  14. 35 please. What is one thing you hate about EMC? Also, Why am i not on the friend list? Well just some more proof I don't have any friends.
  15. 23 in not 45 if not anything closest the 23
  16. Oops also do you likr mac anf cheese??
  17. Why are you so amazing? 45
  18. New york strip i guess
    Probably 7!
    8 I guess
    All of them
    Its already happened ):
    English and murican
    New york
  19. 17.
    How do you name spoilers?
    What's your favorite thing to do on Minecraft?
    What's your favorite game besides Minecraft?