Moderator Application [Updated February 17th, 2012]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by GameKribJEREMY, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. Wow, I was in the middle of watching Austin Powers and I took a break for EMC acouple of hours ago...
  2. I don't know what u mean :/!!!
  3. Fair point but they can't really expect to become an Moderator if they do not read the small print like the question where it tells you the answer. I will change it to Incompetent:)
  4. Is that size text really necessary? xP
  5. Why there aint not "Recommend" button at everyone's Profile Page? As for example if *Add someone's name here* has sended a Mod Application and when someone reads it he sees if people have recommended him for being a mod. I know, it's a crazy idea but it just got into my head. And when i make something up in my mind i just have to tell if for everyone.
  6. actually that's not a bad idea But what if they tell all there friends just to click on there name?
    But nice Idea all the same
  7. Well there is Pros and Cons in every idea. And meaby people could (For example) recommend once every WEEK and only ONE time at (For example) me. But then again if people have loads of friends they could easily get loads of recommendens. I would be more than happy to hear what Moderators/Staff/Justin would think of this.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  8. Yeah I really want to know what others think about this after Justin has done his "Justin POWER" on it I think it will work :)
  9. "Slowly comes everything good." So now it is time to wait...
  10. None is looking here anymore.... :X
  11. If the worlds get resetted, what would happen to all the locked chests? i think many people won't be happy if their chest that costs 1000r to lock just dissapear...
    Just another thing that shouldn't be forgotten :D
  12. LOL :p
    were you staff member? :confused: i never saw that xD
  13. A.I. can't be staff, remember the Geth.
  14. Quoting d1223m regarding moderators:
  15. We aren't A.I. though, he controls us. SWM is an A.I.
  16. But then, when you are no-longer codes... moderators, you become what? :confused:
  17. That's what happens when we gain too much influence as programs and to prevent us from destroying the system we are removed from power.

    We're still codes though.
  18. So basically, you got smart enough to start revelion and then the admins fixed your code lines? :p
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