So you've seen ICC's new avatar. You want a picture of you like that. Well you can make wallpapers like that by clicking on the link below. The picture with below was made by Gabrielrocks69 using that wallpaper maker and its really simple to use. To add your skin, type your username (might be case sensitive, so type it that way) and click on the silhouette at the end of the toolbar. It should have that players skin put there. Have Fun!
Ahz, Sonic and I spent a day making these because we're such exciting people \o3o/ Explanations for those lost: Ahz is of course the Seventh Doctor, my hubby is Tenth, Brit is the stereotypical Mexican with the poncho, Sonic is the stereotypical mariachi Mexican, POrtalShoo2er is self explanatory, the grey dog is my friend Shinlehra, the teen on the roof is my cousin HydraulicHawg (I changed his skin since, that thing is hideous), the brown creeper thing is Shon14 and the pretty person in the window is self explanatory I would have put Sniper in the window where you have the Herobine.
I love these things XD One of them is my desktop background. Wouldn't let me upload because the image was too large though