The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. hunger was not intentional, fixing now.
    TheMinner333 likes this.
  2. Aikar realized what the problem was. It'll be fixed soon.
    EDIT: Ninja'd
  3. Update happened: went from 37 to 27 xp, but Ill not complain, better than lossing hunger
  4. endertopia is in the wild. Your hunger shouldn't regenerate.
  5. You dont actually lose Hunger in EnderTopia :p In the old one you did, but not the new one, I think the coded it too not lose hunger :p
    TheMinner333 likes this.
  6. its being updated ATM!!!!!
  7. i know 2 of the secrets...
  8. this is because of the new mod added to the server. it adds Nether Wolves and 2 other mobs in regular wild... its up to you to find out what they are though... mwahaha... >:)
  9. ok, changes with tonights update:

    • Respawn timers are now per world. So Frontier/Wastelands could both spawn Momentus/Marlix at same time...
    • Respawn rates lowered for most part across board
    • Respawn rate is random 90%-110% off the configured base
    • Spawn chance raised some
    • Min distance to player for uncommons now 26, 28 for hounds and marlix, 30 for momentus
    • ??? (Oh how much you will hate me)
  10. Well, this could be interesting :p
    brickstrike and jacob5089 like this.
  11. I remember someone ( ismooch ) talking about people finding mining helmet or something, do they spawn in chests like in dungeons / mineshafts or on mobs?
    Also would it have to be new chunks for this to be incorporated ?
  12. You should read about half way down the previous page
  13. That doesnt answer the question I asked if you read carefully
    But thanks for trying to help :)
  14. That was a joke because people said it was now like Terarria. In Terraria you have bosses to fight and you can get a mining helmet from a special zombie/npc shop.
    brickstrike and samsimx like this.
  15. Thank you :D but i do think something was implemented or im just going crazy.
  16. HOLY cow! I just encountered a Enraged Creeper and they drop emeralds...
    brickstrike and TheMinner333 like this.
  17. Hmmmm me want to find one thing plzzzzzzz i b ur bff man
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  18. Pictures?
  19. MUST kill Enraged Creeper!