The funny picture thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. and what did you just do? but i do agree.
  2. What did all three of you just do :p
  3. Im
    im sorry for commenting again but i am severely confused...
  4. quidditch-beer-pong.jpg

    Anyone up for a quick game of quidditch pong?
  5. 282841_505751239479572_1124192727_n.jpg 424661_506864452701584_2069957989_n.jpg oprah-poprah.jpg 306728_3945334886064_355737098_n.jpg

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    DogsRNice, smile3, penfoldex and 10 others like this.
  6. Basically, you commented on posts that were months old and posted by now inactive or banned players, which is generally considered not okay.
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. Im just gonna not say anything else... *cough*...silence...I just wanna say sorry to all those people's hearts i broke because i commented on old posts... Im truely sorry, to the people of EMC, for destroying your community! I solemly swear to Notch himself, that i will never ever post on any old posts ever again. Right now about 5 of us are breaking the "no comment rule" so i suggest that we all forget everything that has happened in the last few posts. No i know that i will probably be kicked from this thread, but i want all of you to remember this... If you ever cross a featherless turkey riding a motercycle on the freeway, call the cops... The turkey is out to get you and he knows where you live! Now, nearing the end of my revolutionary speech, i wish you all a good night. And remember to NOT EAT RAW CACTUS!! It will stab your tongue and you might say bad words. Once again i would like to say sorry to the fellow minecrafters of EMC.

    Kumbayah, runtaylorun1

    P.S.-- by the way jacob im building a community iron farm out of dirt(i know thats not going to look that great) on smp2. So you can go use it any time you want :)
    mba2012, cddm95ace and kevdudeman like this.
  8. LOL Guys, even though this is the funny pictures thread, commenting should be allowed. I find it surprising that some people don't think the same way I do and say "Deal wit it" Exactly. Now let me go ride my unicorn into the sunset
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and runtaylorun1 like this.
  9. You can comment on this thread (I am not really sure why anyone would think that people couldn't comment on a forum thread). Just maybe refrain from commenting on posts that are over a year old.
  10. shaddup and post more pics!!!

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  11. funny_picture.png
    People these days, reinstallation is too mainstream, and who uses Origin? :p
  12. I know this is a video, but it is too funny to not post. And yes, I realize that I am probably the only one who understands how funny this actually is.
    penfoldex and jacob5089 like this.
  13. Go home EMC, you're drunk.