I just wanna start off by introducing myself. My ign is Snoozeaholic. I've been looking for a good server for quite sometime now and I have a feeling that this is it. Im open to making new friends if you wanna message me in game. Plus I have a lot to learn if anyone wants to help. Hope to have good times with you guys. Cya later!
Welcome to EMC Snooze! You had the right feeling, I was also looking for a server for some time and found this great community. If you need help with anything, just ask around and someone should be able to help!
Welcome to EMC where the server trolls you, Aikar ruins the economy, and we have a cow that is made of icecream. Check out the guide at the top of the tool-bars and check out these links for all the things you need! http://empireminecraft.com/guide/ http://empireminecraft.com/forums/official-empire-guides.61/ Also if you need help with something feel free to PM myself in game or on forums (to find if someone is online use /p [Player Name]) Enjoy your stay at EMC!