I am still waiting to see how well he can draw a pony XD (No but i'm patient i will wait as long as needed... )
If you can, feel free to say no, do one about my skin, try going on Minershoes.com and typing my name on the search bar. My skin should apear Do anything about my skin, preferably linked to building. Thank you for your time.
Guys, quit bugging him, he is really busy with a lot of requests, including my own. Don't make him post a message like this one again.
Oh please I'm doing Jakres right now, then tinkerbell... You will have to wait a long time, but I'm sure Jakres will be done today. I'm designing the ChascaMall 3.0, a videogame and a comic that I want to begin soon.
Hey, can I have one of a man hugging a pig? Thanks EDIT: I understand you're working on heaps of others and that you're busy. Take your time