DC of Quartz Block Giveaway

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Biscuitboy, May 15, 2013.

  1. Commented my name.
  2. I never mined a nether quartz, so this could be good for me to have more quartz that aren't donated or that I buy at a store :D.
  3. Can't wait til the names are selected!
  4. I'm on mobile and can't access YouTube through the video embedded, can you link it?
  5. Can you pit the link to youtube please.
  6. If you click the button on the bottom right of the video in the thread that says "YouTube" and is the youtube symbol then it will bring you to the page where the video is on youtube :) and just incase that doesn't work here is the link
  7. I didn't see the video.... Don't hate on me Biscuit.
  8. I made a comment on Youtube on that video in the first post with my in-game name. Thank you!
  9. Click the YOUTUBE button right next to it...
  10. And the winner... is PENFOLDEX
    penfoldex and Wanderton like this.
  11. Darn.... Congrats to PEN :)
    penfoldex likes this.
  12. Congratulations Pen!!! So happy for you! :eek:
    penfoldex likes this.
  13. I wonder what penfoldex's name in MC is...
  14. *GASP*:eek:
    Wow. Thanks!
    Wanderton likes this.
  15. nick_godoy :p jk haha
    Wanderton likes this.
  16. Sign is up at my res: 609 smp1