Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by plasma131, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. 7/10 It's real simple, and neat.
  2. 9.9/10 Cats :D
  3. 9/10 Nice gif! :) Did you make your name-thing yourself?
  4. Meh.
  5. 5/10 I just like that gif <-
  6. 9/10 for orginiality.
    My sig is broken :(
  7. Who cares if it's broken, I remember what it looks like!
  8. 7/10, because sometimes that is the truth.
  9. Bump 8/10 haha bukkit good luck with the commander of wolves
  10. 10/10 DEM BANANAS
  11. 6/10, because I don't really like bananas. Actually, I'm making good progress on my last achievement. I currently have like 10 dogs.
  12. This again?
    4/10 text bores me.
  13. Hey. I actually requested for you to make me a sig. Then it never happened. Now I'm disappointed in you. Now I have to show my Bukkit List.
  14. LOL
  15. I thought you judged the next persons signature... mine has gone unjudged....
  16. Those sigs were a free service with absolutely no guarantee that they would ever be completed. You have no reason to be like that.
    EDIT: 6.5/10 Cordial.
  17. .5/10.
    I'm against ponies.
  18. 3/10.
    DragonCave or whatever it is has been bugging me for ages.