[VOTE] Empire Voteoff Contest - May 2013

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JackBiggin, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. mine says 9 days, =\ is that correct? even though its like, day 11 :eek:
  2. Maybe you missed a day early on. If you did just send screenshots of your voting to Jack and Alex.
  3. Raffle not been done yet?:)
  4. Not quite, Aikar's been a bit busy. We were supposed to have the streak list 24 hours ago O.O
    mba2012 and superg64 like this.
  5. Okay, I have plenty of time :p Lots of RS revision to be doing today, got a exam tomorrow :(
  6. I'm out of the contest ;(
    Nilex92 likes this.
  7. Still no raffle? :(
  8. Look who's in charge of checking the votes. :rolleyes:

    I'm kidding Aikar :p. There are probably several they have to look at.
    mba2012, jrm531 and RainbowChin like this.
  9. Will Aikar post a list of all the players eligible for round 1?
  10. Sure he will.
    We just don't know when :oops:
    mba2012 and jrm531 like this.
  11. Same time as everything is coming! At least 3 years.
  12. I'll try and nag Aikar as much as possible now. :)
  13. Poke him with a stick... A pointy stick
  14. Ive sent it to them. Note that its really +1 to the # on the list Jack and Alex.

    votebonus 1 = 2nd day voting in a row.

    So, if anyone knows they for sure had it but missed saturday/sunday and it reset your streak, please just PM alex/jack a screenshot of your rupee logs showing you had it.

    if your at 13+ streak, dont worry your on the list. The only ones who might be missing is people who did not vote saturday or sunday.
  15. The following people are eligible, based on a correct voting bonus or a screenshot appeal PM:

    | name            | votebonus |
    | RandomZh        |        13 |
    | will_iamd        |        87 |
    | Lukas3226        |      100 |
    | thestar19        |        15 |
    | iamfuturetrunks  |      117 |
    | daegoo          |        13 |
    | 333kirby        |        12 |
    | AlexChance      |        18 |
    | _Stads_          |        21 |
    | Zabriel          |        86 |
    | darthin          |        91 |
    | battmeghs        |        PM |
    | Yamanqui        |        25 |
    | Kephras          |        16 |
    | Jakres          |        22 |
    | RevampedMadness  |        11 |
    | NoobOfEpicness  |        18 |
    | PandasEatRamen  |        11 |
    | Mindlegokid      |        13 |
    | AmusedStew      |        15 |
    | Hiigari          |        86 |
    | cddm95ace        |        12 |
    | creeper3846      |        14 |
    | talukegord      |        PM |
    | gabessdsp        |        14 |
    | TerryDaTerrorist |        19 |
    | swert6505        |        12 |
    | catwarrior7      |        11 |
    | EpicWeow4        |        14 |
    | boozle628        |        14 |
    | RainbowChin      |        11 |
    | JNightwind      |        23 |
    | Sir_Dezz        |        14 |
    | elon9669        |        11 |
    | THE_LEGEND4      |        13 |
    | SDOliveira      |        18 |
    | jrm531          |        47 |
    | Zarembo1        |        13 |
    | Jake_bagby      |        11 |
    | Shon14          |        11 |
    | MosoCraft        |        13 |
    | RosemaryLu      |        13 |
    | Egarmetot        |        13 |
    | superg64        |        11 |
    | maask12345      |        18 |
    | muffinmania72    |        12 |
    | 607              |        36 |
    | Lukas_3226      |        37 |
    | nick5013        |        23 |
    | WHITEWOLFIX      |        22 |
    | fevadeva        |        13 |
    | IcecreamCattle  |        11 |
    | Tiburok          |        11 |
    | Rickdraco        |        19 |
    | Blackstone71    |        21 |
    | gollark8        |        27 |
    | EfficiencyV      |        20 |
    | Qwerty189     |        PM |
    | WolfThunderblade      |        PM |
    If you are not on this list, but think you are eligible, please PM me screenshots of your votes within the next 24 hours.
    mba2012, boozle628, cddm95ace and 4 others like this.
  16. Im on the list :D
    I thought i had a big streak of 18, seems its accualy a small streak compared to some people ._.
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  17. When will the raffle be held?
  18. Tommorow at 11:02 AM EST
    battmeghs likes this.
  19. This isn't accurate unless Jack decided and confirmed this time. :)

    When winner is drawn within the next 24 hours Jack and I will update OP and post here, however chances are that only a few people that are entering this will read the posts, so a direct and locked PM will be sent out and they'll be able to collect their winnings from 4006 SMP2.

    This could change as the month goes on but I doubt it. :)

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