Launch of smp6!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. I got egg(s)
    *cough*chicken's eggs* *cough*
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  2. Wow cant wait for smp hardcore. Sounds devious

  3. all the empire server is very fun
  4. Is there a pvp on hardcore?
    And how do i vault item there if there is no town?
  5. Ok Thanks AND i Got First :D
  6. EMC is gonna have like 15smps in 3 months!
  7. i like all the server
  8. No No n
    Nononononononononono!!! Not 100 servers It will be WAYYYYY to hard and confusing and there would be like 10 billioni threads on the sight ill be fine just to go up to 15 servers and THATS IT.
  9. The mushroom biome at one of the outposts is great for mining in since no hostile mobs can spawn (besids ones that come from spawners)
  10. To be completely honest, you are being quite selfish. The point of EMC expanding with more servers is to make room for its expanding population, which I do not think will be stopping any time soon seeing as I have been on EMC for about 5 months or so give or take and it have grown quite fast and has not stopped or slowed down in the least, in fact it has gotten faster. I would love to see EMC capable of running 100 servers, it would mean more people and more ideas and full town plots, which will expand EMC even further. *haha went on a rant there ....*
  11. Looks a_w_e_s_o_m_e!!! :)
  12. Since i have already claimed both my residences (both on SMP2) would i have to unclaim a res to play on that hardcore server?
  13. I'm really sorry about that but, If we have 100 servers I didn't mention this but we will need way
    more moderators and I apoligise for being selfish I'm so sorry if I insulted someone for any reason and I was just talking about the moderaotrs because it is now so common for them not to be on a server out of about 21 mods so if we have 100 servers we will need about 150 mods because I even on see 1-4 on the site too and without mods we will have a swearing, mean, crazy server so that is all I really wanted to say but it came out wrong and again I'm really sorry about being selfish. And truely I'm a nice person. :)
  14. Your question is a bit off of the topic, but... You don't need a residence on a server to play on that server. You can prove this to yourself right now if you go play on Utopia for a few minutes.
    Mammothchilli likes this.
  15. i was all "o lets cheak out empire news" mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  16. Wen is the hardcore server launching?
    Wil there be pvp, harder dificultie or even new and harder mobs?
    Maybe new commands and no live map
  17. i built it up u broke it down o greifer yea u got me
  18. they r adding cats

    also u should make a way that lets people take there bulildings and basicly claim a new plot on a diff server but the play r wont lose the building but instaid move it
    :p meassage me wit awnsor
    your bigest fan /magnar
  19. Haha, I didnt mean it in such a harsh way. And yes, the lack of moderators would be a concern, except Justin and his crew take tons of applications for mods every day, I have submitted one myself and hope that I am noticed and accepted, but that is a pipe dream (at least for now) until we expand even further then it may come down to it that you too are a moderator.

    Cannot wait to see our milestone of 10 servers though! That is going to be amazing!