visible in the wilderness

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by mendalll, Jan 31, 2013.

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  1. it don't matter how far away you build they can if they choose click my name and have the map center on me or anyone how do u hide from that
  2. What. ._.

    Supporters don't take advantages of other players. They pay, because they love EMC. I don't see how they have a huge advantage over regular players. Supporters are definitely not more favored here. Many supporters are respected because of what they have done. And then we've had supporters who've become corrupt. They are banned, so clearly supporters don't have the favor of the staff. The staff is incredibly fair and do their job to the best of their abilities.

    Here. Take a look at wild outposts. Many of them are run by non-supporter members. Sure, they get griefed and looted, BUT THEY REBUILD AND SURVIVE.

    And you can keep your things safe by locking chests. No one, but the people you put on the lock can access it. :)
    mba2012, jkjkjk182 and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  3. they can click my name and have the map center on me no matter how far out i choose to build no hiding from that
  4. So…?
    If you build really far, who's going to come over there? That's a waste of time for griefers. Unless they seriously have no life but to ruin others.
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  5. Wow, this is not CSI, its not like im going to click your name on the Live Map to go and grief you, not everyone here is a griefer.
    Its amazing that you just joined and you are complaining about this. And if you want to prevent people to take from your chests, lock them, or go deep into the wild, that way people wont click on your name and ninja their way to you.
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  6. Because Town is SAFE, with no MOBS. Go to the wild.
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  7. Diamond supporters can fly on utopia res's. All supporters can use beds in the nether and end. The utopia wilderness has no fall damage, constant sun light, and no hunger damage. Supporters can have more /vault pages than a normal player. Supporters get their rupees everyday, without having to log in. Their plots are never reset as long as they continue supporting. They have a worldwide special chat channel, and a special forum area. They even have a special auction forum, where they can have up to 5 auctions running at a time. I think that /map hide isnt that major.

    If you take this as harsh, then so be it. You are not worth my time to grief or steal from. I have more rupees than you. I have 4 different superb mob systems. I have more stuff than i know what to do with, to be honest. What makes you think that i, a loyal EMC supporter, wants any of your stuff? Why do you think i want to waste my time on your base? Honestly, the people who are most likely to rob you or grief you are the regular members.*** They generally have less money and resources, which gives them a "reason" to steal. They have less of an investment in the server, which means it generally wouldnt be too heartbreaking to them if they got banned.

    *** There are MANY, many good regular members. But if you look at how the "real" world works, the poorer, less privileged people in society tend to be the ones who cause trouble.

    /end rant (supporter only command;))
  8. I think we should just lock this thread since we will never agree with him. :)
    jamesg003 likes this.
  9. The Live Map has been more of a help than a hindrance to me in spite of the fact that people have found myself and my non-supporter friends using it.

    Within reason, build what you want, where you want. If anything happens, document it and report it, then rebuild. This isn't some little kid's pvp server being run out of his bedroom. Most of the problems I've had were taken care of by the Staff.

    You've only been here two days. Give yourself a month and you'll see that you're worrying about it for nothing.
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. 1) Become supporter.
    2) /map <hide/show>
    3) ???
    4) Prophet!
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  11. Yeah, prophets…:p
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  12. Epic end
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  13. Well, we're not your average 12-year-old run server. As was previously said, you have 900,000 completely safe blocks in Town. And mob grinding... this is not a all-reward, no-risk server. That's boring. If you want the glory, you need to put up with the problems that come with it. Above all, if you can make five dollars a month, you can get /map hide and all of your problems will be solved.
  14. ok what ever. i said my peace i think most of what i have seen is fine but that one thing whether it is being abused or not, is a major mistake and as for getting on your bad side mister moderator that's a perfect example of what I'm saying power always gets ABUSED so ban me, kick me, its fine by me. mine wasn't meant to be an attack on the supporters just that rule. but if you feel threatened by criticism???
  15. If it was such a major mistake, we would never keep members. We wouldnt have 50000 members ever join the server. The server would not have lasted long. And just so you know, he probably wont ban you. Why? Because the power here is NOT abused:p

    Your logic = flawed:)
    mba2012 and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  16. Well let me "ABUSE" my powers and lock this thread before more damage is done. You said it yourself that you have said everything you want to
  17. I'm not going to ban you for bringing communist 'rich people are evil' rants to the forum. I'm just giving a friendly warning that it isn't wise to invite additional scrutiny if you have to any plans to break any of our rules. And in my experience, those who irrationally hate success are almost always rule breakers.
  18. I know chickeneer locked this thread and I apologize, but with the light of a new day I have one more constructive thing to add:

    I'll let everyone in on a little secret. For $5, a person can get iron supporter status for a month. As well as enjoying all of the perks that come with that for the entire month, during that time the supporter can hide him/herself on the dynamic map. Here's the little secret: once the month is up, the player will remain hidden on the dynamic map indefinitely [see edit] (or until they choose to unhide at which point they will remain unhidden with no recourse except to buy another month). My point is, for a mere 5 bucks, anyone can stay hidden from the map forever with no obligation to continue paying after that 1 month.

    [edit] I've been told that on occasions the map status will reset and those who aren't current supporters will not be able to re-hide themselves. I've never personally seen this, but I just want to make sure it's clear that EMC makes no guarantees that you will remain hidden after your supporter status expires.
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