Hi! Excellent to see all these new intro threads popping up from new users like yourself A few tips: 1. As Qwerty says, never buy from the Empire Shop. 2. Oh, that project you wanna do involves a lava wall? Too bad Icey puts a banhammer to one's face on sight for that. 3. Cows blow up Utopia around here, that may be something you'll have to get used to if you become a Gold or Diamond Supporter. 4. If you get stuck in a ravine in the Protected Area in one of the Wilds, type /town, because teleportation. If you get stuck in a ravine anywhere else, dig out. 5. Never buy property in the following places: - SMP8 - Utopia (because cows, as I mentioned) - The Shankill Road, East Belfast, Northern Ireland - Donegal, Ireland - Detroit, US - Pyongyang - The Moon - The Principality of Sealand 6. Treat others as you would want to be treated. 7. Should JackBiggin ever do a giveaway, ask him for many gifts and address him as 'bro'. 8. Aikar WILL ruin the economy. It's been long known by all users, and from my expert economic knowledge, he is implementing measures to devalue all goods and services available by making them extremely easy for users to attain. These measures include infinite-use fireworks, the SMP9 highway, and performance updates making the game unlaggy enough for one to easily attain 3456 diamonds in 81 x 7 minutes. 9. Thecontroller will shoot a firework in your face once a year on January 1st, 12AM. 10. Pandas do not eat ramen. 11. Legit is not legit. 12. Batman is only as good as a movie as you tell yourself it is. If you tell yourself it is an infinitely good movie, you will suffer massive obsession over it which will be debilitating in the long term. 13. No matter how much your elementary school teachers tell you, cursive is not a valuable skill to have. 14. Likes do not translate into real life success 99% of the time. 15. Learn to drive. 16. Never spit into the wind. 17. Stay away from making YouTube series that do not relate to Minecraft. If you find yourself singing and/or ripping off terrible yellow humour from obscure websites, stop immediately and retire to an actual social life. 18. Always make sure you will attain a high definition television at some point in your life for relatively personal use. 19. Recycle as much as you can. 20. Free speech is strictly prohibited on the Internet. If you exercise it, face the banhammer of the MPAA. 21. Say no to most drugs. 22. Follow the Terms and Conditions. Overlooked often, they are the law of the land around here where the Ten Commandments do not reach. 23. Study law, politics, government and economics. The most powerful thing one can possess is a voice, and those four doctrines are projectile frameworks when it comes to utilizing your voice to move mountains, especially in Minecraft. 24. Stealing = Free stuff. 25. I was kidding, don't steal. Please. 26. The only thing you have which truly numbers in the trillions is potential. This is so true that even the measurement system you use to measure potential could be potentially anything. 27. Hit the gym. 28. Get a lawyer. 29. Delete your facebook. 30. Always have swag. 31. I was kidding. Do not have swag. Please. 32. YOLO is not an intellectually correct motto. 33. Don't talk to strangers. 34. If it exists. 35. Join a credit union. 36. If you receive an email asking you to pass said email to your contacts, don't do it. 37. Do not make 2 posts to convey a single point, especially if the first post consists of a poorly spelt trashy greeting. 38. Respect the moderators. Yes, even the ones that could blow up Utopia or destroy the economy. 39. Don't vandalize Wikipedia. 40. Don't disrespect people with different interests. 41. Gangnam Style will NEVER get old. I'm sorry, but it's here to stay. 42. There is no purpose. Create one perceived to be meaningful that can even remotely further the causes of others, and follow it. Stay loyal to it for eternity. But by jove, pick it well.