RFW 29th Jan 5PM GMT

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by d1223m, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Ok we tried. got 3 players hehe. Ill let someone else try to organise the next one.
  2. can you put the sever up me and dark whand to practice:)
  3. i will play only if you start the sever agen
  4. I will join next time :)
  5. Im thinking tuesday at 7pm GMT - does that sound good to people?
  6. erm can we make it 6:30pm?
  7. that is good to me
  8. 6:30 GMT is like what 1:30 in Eastern time?
    And can u also make a few practice servers so if we make teams in advance we can practice together
  9. well tomorrow can be the first practice match? We need more people before we have proper practices. Lets start small :)
  10. ok and for the people that are only first timers we can show them where all the wool is and iron and stuff
  11. yes, we can start with everyone as gamemode 1 to look around if you like
  12. What so is it going to be a PvP server ?
  13. Even if it isn't I can host a server now if you want?

    And i have teams on it (Name Clans and stuff) just tell me what teams and I will make them :)
  14. I don't like timezones. :(
    d1223m and Squizzel_Boy like this.
  15. can the teams be me (XidarJD) darkruler53, and farmboy_86 and owr theam name can be the gold nuggets
    can you plz respond back :)
  16. So you want the Clan to be [Gold Nugets] ? because thats a bit too long how about [G-N] ?

    Well tell me what you think :)