I'm confused... A while back Hayleycolgan said she was dating him? All of these people who are older than me and can't grow beards... I'm 12, and I have the hairs... just not very much colour....
I am a Freshman! xD http://www.fulbright.org.uk/study-in-the-usa/school-study/us-school-system Im yr 10
U.S. System: kindergarden -- year 1 1st grade -- year 2 2nd grade -- year 3 3rd grade -- year 4 4th grade -- year 5 5th grade -- year 6 6th grade (elementary school) -- year 7 7th grade -- year 8 8th grade (middle school) -- year 9 9th grade (freshman) -- year 10 10th grade (sophomore) -- year 11 11th grade (junior) -- year 12 12th grade (senior) (high school) -- year 13 he said he is year 10, so hes a freshman equivalent
You still don't get what i'm saying -_- I shouldn't have said it. My sense of humor is something nobody, but another liverpudlian, would understand... Then again, it's not even a joke.
Yeah there isn't really such a thing as a 'freshman' in the UK. Can we get back on topic now, guys? I wander off for an hour and the thread goes to hell...