EMC's Legends

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by penfoldex, Sep 23, 2012.


Are there legendary players in EMC?

Yes. 43 vote(s) 79.6%
No. 11 vote(s) 20.4%
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  1. JackBiggin. Because he helps EMC A LOT, he is respectful, and he makes sure all of his EMC buddies are happy. Jack is my EMC role model, would you say, because of the way he treats people, and also the way he reacts to people breaking the rules. He's like a mini-mod.
  2. Exactly. When I think of honoring someone I tend to filter out hackers, cheaters and rule breakers :)

    I too, also vote JackBiggin!
  3. Cchiarell6914 and JackBiggin like this.
  4. So I am not legendary?
  5. Were both legendary
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. JustinGuy
    All the Moderator's
    SillyWhiteMage (Used to be one of the biggest, but isn't anymore :p)

    There are probably more, this might get edited :p
  7. * Loudly shoves everyone out of the way *
    * Yells and raises hand *
    Heck Yeah..jpg
  8. What about the guy who created the LLO?
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. Zulu9
  10. Yes him
  11. AusQB and Dark_Liz. <3
  12. For sure, awesome res's and both well respected in the forums :D
  13. Just you all know, I was the first to vote no because sadly, glorifying a few players over the other 50,000 is kinda stupid in my opinion.. EMC wouldn't be anything without each of those 50,000 players (Even the cheaters, unfortunately).. Each person contributes their own knowledge's and expertise's to create EMC into what it is now.. Only honoring those who everyone knows is pointless because what about the countless others that don't always publicize their exploits..? Like the people whom make gravesites for dead players, and retrieves their items and leaves them in a chest nearby instead of running off with them. Or the people who instead selling stuff, gives away stuff to help people.. It isn't just the big name people whom do these things..
    Malicaii12, penfoldex, nab27 and 5 others like this.
  14. You know what, well said. No matter how old or what color name. We should all be treated the same. Were all human. Well exept I like a pig and Icc lolz. Jk. Anyway we are all the same no matter
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  15. It seems people are picking legends based on the amount of time they post on the forums! I think every player that plays fair and by the rules is a legend!!! :)
    nab27 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  16. pt should not be there he used mods and duplicated items and broke many rules
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  17. what about coffee_bullet?
    coffee_bullet likes this.
  18. MEEEEEE? :D
    AlexHallon and BeKaLuSa like this.
  19. I agree! Why on earth are you up there? XD jk. Deserving player!
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  20. *raises hand to be nominated into the glory of being a legend of waffles.* sadly I can't get on the forums enough because of school and personal reasons. also I've been here like 304 days ;), who's counting?
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