Help with my server?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. I'm not.
  2. Failed to connect now, but the 'Is there a server already running on that port?' is gone now.
  3. Leave the 'Server IP' blank in server properties.
  4. Send me the IP in PM
  5. Try using Direct Connect and type localhost.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  6. Worked :D
  7. This won't allow anyone else to connect.
  8. Well, I've had people connect when I do that. They just don't show up on your screen.
  9. Localhost just runs a trace for a Minecraft server on your PC - Nowhere else.
  10. Yes, I know.
  11. Ok - First step
    Is the LAN IP that you port forwarded to correct? (Check by doing ipconfig in the command prompt - It should say something like
  12. yeah.. But the things spigot boasts are seriously big deals. By us switching to Spigot, we are now able to rapidly keep up with Bukkit updates, as Spigot AUTO UPDATES with every bukkit commit.

    CB++ requires you to wait for the CB Dev ( a single person) to update it, and Spigot has a team behind it.
    Plus Bukkit seems to REALLY dislike CB++ lol... they call it "Broken"
    mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  13. Fixing now xD
  14. Well it is - It's the most bug ridden thing I've seen - I stopped using it after it had a bug in it that stopped mobs from acting normally (EMC suffered this glitch)
  15. I'm going to keep using CB++ for now. If mobs stop spawning, well, I'm trying to cause that right now. Can't have creepers and stuff on a creative server...
  16. Still saying 'failed to connect to server' :(
  17. What is Spigot?
  18. so what kind of server will it be?
  19. Legit survival with economy and communist activity.
    mba2012 likes this.