smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. We should name it. The street that runs in front of Town Hall, General Store, and Grand Central Station. Perhaps Something known, but not US centric such as La Rambla?
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  2. The esplanade? It runs along the water front.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Thought so.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. It looks much better but just be careful if you knocked down existing buildings to make the space. If you didn't build them you need to make sure you get the owner's permission to knock it down. It's EMC rules and also polite.
    Jakres, shavingfoam and penfoldex like this.
  5. Yeah, I knocked down the junk yard, or what was left of it after it was burned to the ground. Also, I think some of the people who built some of these buildings aren't even on EMC any more. In any event, I'm trying to respect people's property. I may end up trimming or shifting some stuff a little bit. My general rule will be "If the original builder couldn't tell that I touched it, then I'm ok."
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  6. You'll probably be generally safe as a lot of people have disappeared but if you take that approach you are breaking EMC and LLO rules so be ready for complaints.
  7. Yea my house is still a hot mess, haven't had time to remake it
    Jakres likes this.
  8. Agreed! Having said that, some things are communal property and/or public space/public right of way. Small changes to these areas should be acceptable as long as they're for the betterment of the community as a whole. It is reasonable to ask for people to submit an RFC (request for comments) to this thread before making substantial changes to these areas of course. The devil in the details is what constitutes "minor" and "major" changes...
    zulu9, Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  9. Sorry to go on about this but there's been a bit of bad feeling in the past because of misunderstandings like this. There's no such thing as communal property. Every thing here was built by someone and is owned by someone. If you want to knock something down or change it then you just need to find out who owns the building/road/rail/sheep pen etc and try and get hold of them to ask permission. If they don't play the game anymore then go ahead, though in communal areas it's always good to ask the community before you make big changes.

    It's slightly more time consuming than just starting work on it straight away but worth it in the end.

    There's a number of things I've built for the community but I wouldn't let anyone change them without checking with me first. Apart from griefing rules it's just about respect for the time and thought someone has putting into building something.
    zulu9, Jakres, Philovanrood and 2 others like this.
  10. Don't be sorry. These are the best discussions!

    I think you're painting it in black and white terms when in fact it is a little more grey than that. However, like all laws, it has to be spelled out in black and white terms because people have a really hard time agreeing on shades of grey.

    For example:
    • If I see that someone else's house has had one wall burned off, can I attempt to rebuild it for them?
    • If there is a building that has multiple rooms in it, and each of those has a locked chest in it that is owned by different people, and the original creator of the building is gone, who owns it?
    • If I want to make changes to a structure, and no one responds in the forum, do I have implied consent, or must that building remain "as is" for all time?
    • If someone has constructed a rail network, can I append something on to it, or fix broken tracks without posting to the forum and waiting a few days?
    • If someone builds an eyesore (IE a giant pink phallus spewing lava) Is there recourse for the community, or is it untouchable?
    • If I build a building, do I have implied ownership of all air above it, and the ground beneath it to bedrock?
    • What about abandoned structures such as the giant disk of dirt south of town, etc.?
  11. Who owns the post office?
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Zulu made it
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Bringing a friend out to LLO. Yogert_Slayer. Don't worry. He barely knows how to play minecraft so we should be safe from griefings. :D
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  14. This was cool conversation. I am formulating a few ideas to pretty the desert up a bit. I will propose it soon.
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Honestly it is black and white. They are the rules of EMC and along with some suggested approaches that have been agreed by the members of the LLO. As I said, it's really about respecting others and not just doing what you feel like if you don't like something someone has built.

    It's really simple - don't change anything without the owners permission. If in doubt try and get that permission. It's worked pretty well so far and the only problems we have are when people don't follow this.

    If you're not removing or changing anything it's OK but you may not know how the building originally looked and as always you should check with the owner. They might have burnt the wall off themselves.

    No one, the original owner is gone. But anything someone else has added is owned by them. And as always you should check with the chest owners if you;re going to do anything that might affect them.

    No you don't have implied consent. But LLO has a suggested process for dealing with this.

    Appending is ok as long as you don't change the existing rail or remove anything. Also fixing is fine as you're not removing anything.

    EMC rules say it is untouchable. The community could try and deal with it but who's to say you don't have bad taste and the eyesore is really a thing of beauty? If the building breaks an EMC rule (eg obscene) then it should be reported.

    Nothing is implied. You own your work. But the LLO asks it's members to respect others and not build too close (see the FAQ).

    Built by someone and owned by someone and if that person is still around you would be griefing if you removed it. But as I said LLO has a process that we've followed for a long time that would hopefully be considered by the mods to be best efforts to get permission so if you follow the procedure you should be ok.
  16. Hey zulu et al, what do you want to do with the remnants of the post office and the other buildings around it? Also, I dumped a whole bunch of random building materials in this chest across from there labeled "wood tools". Feel free.
    Jakres, shavingfoam and mba2012 like this.
  17. Thank you, Runewulf. I shortened the quote to save space. The whole post was beneficial and like a refresher on EMC rules and a good intro with real examples on LLO rules.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  18. Erm…why did you take down the junk shed?:confused:
    Jakres likes this.
  19. If you mean, "Why did you remove the half dozen post-griefing blocks that used to be part of the junk shed", the answer is because I wanted to widen the road. I am now aware that even this small amount of editing is verboten. Mea Culpa.
    Jakres likes this.
  20. I should add, would we rather have a junk shed right there with a narrower road? There's nothing preventing it from being rebuilt. That whole area is a devastated wasteland if you haven't been online recently.
    Jakres, mba2012 and zulu9 like this.