Hey! :D

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Aikat, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. His moosy moderator powers have a forcefield preventing me from being him.
  2. Is it me?
    margaritte likes this.
  3. Last time I checked, I was a pig, not a tomato. Sorry Bob. :/
  4. I have an alt named IceCreamTomato though :p
    bloodra1n likes this.
  5. I would love to meet this fella, it's a mighty fine name is has.
  6. I'd say Maxarias...? But you said the green color didn't fit...and you're not posting in purple... Hrmmm.
    bonzd67 likes this.
  7. Max's shoes scare me too much, I could never be her.
  8. As I've said, a pig would never reveal his true self in such a way.
  9. Did you just make that quote up! 'Cuz i didnt post that, Mr. Sly Piggeh
  10. This is just amazing.

    But, who is it?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. Okay, I'm gonna be a newbie here. What'd he do?
  12. You are 1998golfer. You guys both have the same sigs.
    oidking likes this.
  13. He copied my sig. I wouldn't dare be banned.
  14. Well if you're an alt, which means another copy to buy of minecraft, and you have an iron supporter, i'd imagine you were somebody way up in hierarchy of EMC.

    Or you're just rich.
    oidking likes this.
  15. As a moderator... it's very easy to see whose alt you are.

    Isn't that right, JtghjgAhjfdChrfdKhbfBjbhfdIdfkGsdbhGdbakjbfhIdkjfbNgfd?
    IamSaj, bonzd67, Nole972 and 7 others like this.
  16. Your Mr2r2m
  17. How about Red or Pink?
  18. I thought he said that it wasn't him...
  19. I think it's hilarious that someone could think I was you, ICP!

    However, when I assume my alt identity, it will most certainly masquerade as a boy...
    creepincreepers7 likes this.