Strange occurences.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Historian101, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. thats not the point
  2. Yes it has occured to me before. Guys it's NOT a mod. If you see other discussions you can see that it happened to other people too. It should happen in a abandon mineshaft and if your lucky (not really) you WILL be able to see Herobrine. Think I'm joking? Go give it a try! :)
    Historian101 likes this.
  3. This happened in the middle of a plains biome, at night, with lightning all around...
  4. ?
  5. Chap:-whisper--whisper-
    -looks at glowstone-
  6. :p
  7. Trolls gonna troll.
  8. OK time to break up this hero brine fan convention. Prepared to get burned...

    Herobrine fanboys are the worst thing in mine craft... seriously go do something else no one cares about this person with white eyes. Plus notch does not have a brother, go read.

    Hero brine was a joke on a live stream by these 2 annoying people so please if you want to talk more about him then so be it but you guys are annoying. Hero brine has a chance of being added later in a game because so many fan boys asked for it. If hero brine is ever added it would show up on the mine craft wiki change log. You guys need to grow up.
  9. We always get these people who post threads who claim to see Herobrine and swear they don't install mods and then get belligerent and rude when people tell them they are lying.
    thecontroller likes this.
  10. I wish a moderator will delete such stories in the forum. They're a waste of internet space. Serioly there should be an internet age limit.
  11. That would wipe out so many EMC users xD. But the age thing is why we get these stories. It's usually the kiddies posting them.
  12. Most kids are more mature than others. But some are just annoying. I prefer the mature well mannered ones.
    oidgod likes this.
  13. They can.
  14. Mi performance Fluctuates. I too think herobrine is a fraud that doesnt exist.