No more Herobrine :( lol

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by LZBZ_DW, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. He........ WHAT
  2. I try to avoid really dark areas near bedrock:p
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  3. You know who else is real, Manbearpig. Hes half man half bear and half pig.. He will be the doom of us all... I'm super serial.
    Faithcaster and marknaaijer like this.
  4. You guyz are scaring noobs xD
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  5. I seem to remember I also had Eye of enders when I saw him, Can you confirm you did? I was heading to the end for the first time.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  6. The first time I saw Herobrine he was on the Ender Dragon...
    oidgod, joelslaw and LZBZ_DW like this.
  7. Whoa! That must be a super rare spawn, like those skellys that ride spiders!
  8. Come to think of it, I saw him riding a pig once.
  9. My brother found sheep, pigs and cows with white eyes in his world. Confirms?
  10. He was using commands that breaks bedrock while the Ender Dragon was firing fireballs...

    The pig had to have white eyes like in my bro's world...
  11. I believe he did, I tried to get close to him but I think he was trying to get the 'ride a pig off a cliff' achievement.
  12. I think I was holding some potions o' enchanting, I bought them somewhere, but than I saw him, can you guys confirm.

    And, OH, I was holding somebedrock too!
  13. Oh, I remember I was in a snapshot and had traded some villagers emeralds for potions of enchanting and I was down at bedrock searching for more. I don't think I had any bedrock.
  14. Hmm I use jacks for light too and I had just killed some zombies, and I saw a figure in the distance. It was probally just a zombie but I could swear it was Herobrine, My friend Liam was there and he thought it too...
  15. Hahah nice,they are having too much fun with herobrine data. I saw one of update is that server list can be reorder no more retyping address :D
    marknaaijer likes this.
  16. I was playing with the snapshot too! And I was looking for emeralds, I didn't find anything though, I was hoping to earn some rupees on it....
  17. We should report our findings.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  18. Yes, will you start a PM?
  19. You can go for it, I'm busy hunting him down again for screenshots.