Rare promos and where they've ended up V3

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by ultipig, Aug 17, 2023.

  1. In supporter gifts, are you differentiating between:
    is the latter Super Rare as well, or only the Maxarias ICC one?

    your spoiler says there was no wiki, https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/supporter-gift/ this one appears to be accurate, mentioning both types of lores.

    Also, wiki link changed from fireworks to firework here:
    correct link is:
  2. cap

  3. Is this worth anything? I've had it for years and I wasn't sure if it had any value to the community or not.
    Raaynn likes this.
  4. [quote="Joy_the_Miner, post:

    Is this worth anything? I've had it for years and I wasn't sure if it had any value to the community or not.[/quote]
    This head is the prize for LBS at firefloor, and is indeed valuable as its one of the rare kryssy heads, however not for these lists as there are now probably over 100 given out.
  5. Thanks Raaynn! It's also nice to know where I got these from, because I do not remember, but now that you mention it, I think I remember it now!
  6. You should also be able to see your head hanging on the wall at the FireFloor!
  7. Could my gold empire medal (lost due to direlect res) be updated to have my current name (as well as a "formerly Ethy202" ofc)
  8. Heya ulti

    If you are adding the community defenderse, may as well include FDNY which was lost in the force claim i believe, and Hashhog which should be at his museum

    Shelluser also had won 2... maybe ill chack the res later
  9. Have now aquired a Party Parrot and a Sticky Hat for the collection at the tower
    AncientTower and Tuqueque like this.
  10. Thank you, Raaynn! I have updated the list. :) As for the Party Parrot and Sticky Hat you now have, did you get them from someone whose name was already on the list?
  11. Parrot was unlisted, hat was trade from daanhu
    ultipig likes this.