I believe something relating spawn eggs needs to change given the recent years of changes to spawn eggs. Now many spawn eggs save data from their species Staff Rulings on previous scenarios are inconsistent imo https://empireminecraft.com/threads/closed-very-rare-horse-spawn-egg.87293/ - 1 unlored horse egg, even though this egg does not have horse stats (it is an unlored horse egg) it was auctioned off in a 1 off item. https://empireminecraft.com/threads/closed-auction-64-panda-spawn-eggs.81975/ - 64 pandas with listed genes, were not allowed to be auctioned https://empireminecraft.com/threads/closed-1-dc-of-wandering-llama-spawn-eggs-because-why-not.85206/ llamas have " horse stats" https://empireminecraft.com/threads/auction-all-9-wolf-dog-variety.88212/ dogs with race listed denied due to being considered normal vanilla items Given that EMC has evolved to have more saved data for many of the animals, it becomes harder for players to provide auctions on with spawn eggs given their new found variation... So I propose amending the auction rules, but before that I would like to pose some hypothetical questions to prove that the current rules can be ambiguous. Why are spawn eggs at all considered within the common category? If we quote the rules: "These are any items in Vanilla Minecraft, that are relatively easy to acquire." Spawn eggs are NOT part of a regular vanilla experience, they are unobtainable in (survival) vanilla minecraft. Neither are they easy obtainable given that it is a EMC feature which allows them to exist in our vanilla+ server, you would need to switch from survival to creative with cheats on to acquire them... If I'm auctioning 9 stacks of sheep eggs: 3 stacks of yellow sheep + 3 stacks of blue sheep and3 stacks of green sheep, is this allowed? Immediately one would think that yes, these are 9 stacks of sheep overall, however if we review the fine print of the rules, then we see... "Mixing of items is not allowed. For example, you may not host an auction with 3 stacks of yellow wool, 3 stacks of blue wool, and 3 stacks of green wool." Does this "not-mixing policy" apply to NBT/saved data, Lore items or "horse stats." If a new player were to read the rules, would they be able to recognize that llamas' stats are considered "horse stats"? I would like to propose a no Given this. chatgpt, proposes... Some considerations which chatgpt did not touch on. Whichever solution, I think it would be best, that it either encompasses older spawn eggs, so that no longer obtainable eggs, like https://empireminecraft.com/threads/closed-very-rare-horse-spawn-egg.87293/ can be auctioned off solely (as a rare item, I suppose), even if they don't have "horse stats") Believe their needs to be rephrasing of "horse stats" and which ever new term, is created to be applied to the https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/stables-and-animal-controls/ & https://empireminecraft.com/wiki/eggification/ Implied by chatgpt, but explicitly requesting to state if colors within the same species of egg can be mixed or not within rules to count toward which ever QTY minimum is chosen (currently 9 stacks).
I like the idea that there are 2 types of eggs: one that is vanilla and breed-able and stacks and the other type has stats or saved data that prevents it from stacking. Spawn eggs that are obsolete and are no longer obtainable (and are not hacked or glitched) should also be considered to be 'horse' eggs by this logic, as you cannot get more of them. This would also apply to any ''promo'' eggs that are some used and some not [this assumes that there is reason to expect some lored eggs to be massively available, so this is an example only that lore might play a role in the eggs at some point?] More likely this leads to the 3 category suggestion. in example, Parrots have 5 colors, but the eggs stack. Finding 9 stacks of red parrots is a momentous task. Getting 9 stacks of any parrot eggs is much more reasonable. But even in the case of the parrots, with the auctions moving alot slower than "the olden days" do we still need to have 9 stacks of eggs? Why not just 1 stack? There can always be more than that. But the minimum amount should serve the players from all levels of play. I don't feel like the average player is going to find 9 stacks of parrot eggs to auction. perhaps the breedable nature of the mob is an inherent qualifier that can be used so that when an update hits and the xyz mobs can now breed, then that mob can automatically move to the other side of the list. Less debate from the players and easier rules to follow, with less stress from staff. parrots are not breed-able (at this time) so they are a rare vanilla (or whatever the class name) chickens are breed-able so they are vanilla cats are breedable but they have a ?species and are considered to be ... * There was a recent change to horse breeding by Mojang. In that update, horses, mules, donkeys, llamas and pandas had the chances of receiving genes from the parent mob changed in the code: the horse breeding update. I do not believe that this affects goats? [Until this point, pandas had no random chance of getting genes. Only the genes from the parents were possible. It is now possible to breed 2 brown pandas and get a dominate black gene and a recessive brown gene when a brown panda has 2 brown genes which are both recessive. I have done this repeatedly on emc.]
+1 in jungle green! I agree with KatydidBuild that this needs to be considered on a case by case basis, not as a blanket rule. I also will note that a lower minimum could be set without repealing the minimum limit entirely.
To help with this conversation and get more feedback, let me ask: What is the purpose of an auction for commonly acquired items in small quantities versus using a Sell thread or in-game shop?
putting reply on a spoiler, so it isn't a tuqueque speaks only thread =P I'd say auctions are guaranteed sales (bids are binding), compared to shops and other methods where any mentioned is simply promoting and hoping someone wants. I feel auctions are commonly used as the estimate to measure market value. I'm not sure if I'm biased, but I'd say there is a large chance that auction transactions are at least 40% or possibly more than 50% of all transactions, in total rupees/value transacted. The minimum quantity exists to prevent spam, while also elevating the "prestige" of said transaction, meaning that it does require some effort. While also, a system with simplified rules is best, we could imagine a scenario where we scientifically discover the average amount of items acquired within a span of 30 minutes, per se. That'd be the most equitable? solution, however, looking up the exact amount of items for each item, would be a funny ridiculous scenario. so that would not be a good system however, I believe the minimum quantity should be something manageable and accessible in a timely manner by a casual player. If we go to the extreme, parrot eggs, as Katy pointed out, would be unachievable for most players to acquire 9 stacks of them. Now Back to your question! I chatted a bit with chatgpt to brainstorm a few and I think these were my top 2 items. which I would agree on based on my experience. 1. Convenience. It is sometimes a headache to keep a shop in stock, specially common items, where people might be 8 pieces of cobblestone, or 10 DC's depending on their needs. Auctions allow players: Focus their time where they want: Instead of planning to stock a shop, they decided this week that they are in a mining mood, and at the end of the week they decide sell their spoils of stone and gems. next week, I know ulti is playing with me, so we might raid a few Deep Dark biomes, and we would sell the spoils of that. Instead of having shops which would run out, I simply have a chest or 2 in my res which I only have to change the [access] sign to earn a few rupees. 2. Potentially Higher Revenue or Competitive Bidding Given that this is a guaranteed buy, it is relatively quick to get a certain amount of rupees. It might also be fun to compete with other bidders. This is also a way to catch new customers. If I see 5 people bid on an auction, and I have surplus of what they bid on, I might offer it to them. I've personally both offered and been offered items based on auction bids.
This makes a lot of sense to me. Personally, I do not think there is much of a disadvantage to the option of making all spawn eggs easier to auction. I couldn't quickly find it, but the minimum used to be one double chest for anything, right? Or was it a single chest? Anyway, for many items this is very easy to obtain, but that does not mean the auctions are flooded with auctions for 9 stacks of sand, for example. Items that are more easily obtainable are still auctioned off in greater quantities, as it is more worthwhile.
speaking to spawn eggs for the example here: Chicken spawn eggs went up in demand very quickly, twice in recent history. Both times it was due to the chicken being a 'cheap' mob and easy to breed and egg. When wither roses became available. Needed to kill mobs with the wither to drop the roses. When the Deep Dark update dropped. The reason for this was the need to kill mobs with the ... skulk-y stuff. In both these time frames, there was a lot of chicken eggs being bred and sold to keep up with demand. Some of this spilled out into the auctions. I don't think it is unreasonable to put a 1 stack limit to spawn eggs that can breed/eggs that can stack, but allow the other spawn eggs to be auctioned in whatever number the seller wants. If a mob becomes able to breed by players, then that spawn egg would move over to the 1 stack rule. Seems easy enough. speaking to blocks, for the answer that JD wanted: smaller auctions of a single chest allow players to sell off some of their mining/collecting stuff for rupees, usually those that are new to emc or are new to the economy side sometimes players want to gauge the market value of certain blocks if the shop prices are varying pretty drastically and offering an sc/dc of the item will help with that or sometimes someone just wants to unload 172 double chests of wool scandalous Usually the players who go the auction route, either do not know which shops to go to sell items or flatly refuse to spend the time and energy hopping around each smp town to offload their stuff. Both are a common player comment.
Also wanted to note that if any changes are made to consider future updates, as it appears that mojang is on a fast track to create variants on all mobs (cows, chickens and pigs coming soon) as well as wolves now halving a skin variant and a sound variant as of the latest snapshot. just something to think about.