(Suggestions) Vault improvements

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by chickeneer, Dec 16, 2024.

  1. Hey all. With the problems that have occurred involving vaults with this update. In the next couple months I'm looking to do a back end refactoring of how vaults are stored to help ensure long-term data integrity.

    As I go through reworking that backend. Now is as good a time as any to add some kind of feature or functionality to the vault system.

    You may dream big. But obviously some dreams are going to be too big to chew. Feel free to share any which way.
  2. how about going from vault #1 to vault #2 without having to go through the /vaults overview page?

    note: consecutive numbering, no going from #10 to #57
  3. How do you propose that working?
    Like what's the user experience?
    The hacked 7th row isn't possible for the old school arrows. (We could shrink a vault page size by 1 row).
    Just trying to understand the suggestion
    BlockHead_56 likes this.
  4. I'm not an expert on what's possible, so I'm fine with the idea being shot down.

    If possible, I would envision arrows somewhere in the GUI, but I think that you'll tell me that it would require some kind of datapack (that I know is a no-no).
    maybe rather than sacrificing a whole row, just the bottom 2 corners? (if there's enough support/desire for the idea)
  5. I'm just collecting ideas. 🙂
    BlockHead_56 and Fred_TWK like this.
  6. When using an alias to open a vault page it would be handy to allow an offset to be used with that alias.

    For example, when I get pumpkins from a res I use the alias 'pumpkin' to access the vault page. When that is full I then have to remember the page number, #151, then access the next vault page with 'vault 152' and so on. To be able to access the next page I believe 'pumpkin 1' would be easier to remember, then 'pumpkin 2', etc.

    I have multiple pages for a few items, like dirt. I did name some pages, 'dirt', 'dirt_1', and 'dirt_2'. I also did that for sand but all that does is fill the autocomplete list of aliases so it is more difficult to see the created aliases.
  7. Being able to search by item amongst all the vaults. Where lets say you used the command (/vault find dirt) and it told you in your personal chat which vaults had dirt in them. Would be a neat little supporter feature.

    This would be my biggest dreams, but this may get a little tricky with shulkers and bundles though in the vault?
  8. In an ideal world. Would you expect it to search bundles and shulkers? I presume yes.
    ItsMeWolffpack and BlockHead_56 like this.
  9. Crazy idea.
    A command to type /vault empty 1.

    The system would open, and deposit as many items as fits from that vault. And then closes the vault up for you.
  10. That's a great idea. Would it be possible to extend this command a little further to take as many items out of that vault page and transfer as many of those items as possible to a container, chest, shulker, etc, that the player's focus is on?

    If not automatically then only if a parameter is given with the command, ie. /vault empty transfer 1.

    Also allowing aliases to be used would be a plus.
    BlockHead_56 and chickeneer like this.
  11. There is a mod I use called ShulkerToolTips. Basically allows you to see inside a shulker without opening it. Is this something possible? Like a vault main menu with a number for each vault. If that's too hard to do maybe just the vault main menu and you can click on which ever to open it?
  12. Cool thinking. Good thinking big
    BlockHead_56, Sefl and ThaKloned like this.
  13. I would like to suggest a (likely supporter-only) feature to autosort items into predefined vaults.

    One would define where items can go via a command (or maybe even a GUI interface of some kind), like so:

    /vault item add 57 red_sand red_sandstone

    ...Would be interpreted as "red sand and red sandstone belong in vault #57". This would be cumulative, so /vault item remove and /vault item reset would also have to exist, to say "<item> no longer belongs in <vault>" and "no items belong in this vault anymore"

    Then you can automatically sort items from your inventory into their respective vaults using another command:

    /vault autosort <inventory || hotbar || hand || number between 1-36, corresponding to specific slots>

    And the system would just do it all for you. (Adding items into shulkers that are already in the vault would be out of scope.) If any specific item doesn't fit into a vault (it is full), or if a vault has not been predefined for an item, log it in chat, keep it in the player's inventory, and keep going if a source with multiple items was specified.
    BlockHead_56 and chickeneer like this.
  14. Honestly, if this was a feature even without it being able to search within Shulkers and Bundles. It would be pretty epic.
  15. Kind of like a mini-preview of the vault. Thats cool!
  16. How about the reverse. Where you input a similar command and instead it opens the vault, and dumps the contents of the vault all in your inventory/ground.

    No clue the practicality of this, but hey, go big haha
    BlockHead_56 likes this.
  17. If we are thinking big big, a version similar to inventory chest manager mods such as refined storage

    Each block type has a unique slot. Quantity could be saved “digitally” and displayed on the lore.

    Withdraw 1 item =right click
    Withdraw 1 stack = shift + right click
    Withdraw 9 stacks = center mouse button (minecraft default button for select block)

    Deposit items - dragging in or shift click

    Risk: could potentially open doors for dupe

    Challenges: seems like an even more heavy rework would be required. Acquiring or using these could be gated behind supportership to prevent most dupe attacks by new players

    This could be branded as a special vault, or builder vaults/slots

    There should be a way to edit/organize where each slot goes.

    Don’t think that every vault should be converted to this

    Possible ways to acquire it:
    A whole new different/vault command such as /bv which stands for /buildervault or bulkvault

    Convert every 10th vault to this special vault.

    Be able to purchase certain amount of slots with tokens: ie start with 2 for free and be able to purchase more. Possibly capping max by support level

    Being able to use tokens to increase “slot size” first upgrade fits 2 DCs and can be upgraded to 5, 10 , 20, 50 DCs (50 DCs ~ 172k items)

    Benefits - convenience for players; very builder friendly feature

    Possibly players choosing to use vaults for main storage for going lag intensive chest reses

    I’m on my phone right now - I can envision more details with screenshots (mimicking my ideal version) at a later date if requested.

    Nice to haves but complexity 🚀
    - automatically fill in a stack /autovault 9 dirt. (9 - items go to slot 9 in the hand ; dirt= item, or maybe vault name depends which is easier

    - search system

    - slots upgraded to be used in /wild (with more limited inventory, maybe a wild special vault can only fit 1 DC and you can have a max of 5
  18. Well. Before tuq replied, I was going to say most of what was said is possible and feasible to implement. So +1.

    Several of the things mentioned by tuq aren't feasible to work in a pleasing way without mods.
    I appreciate the big dreams though
  19. Umm. I knew I forgot something. An idea, A command to "resort" the order of vault pages. So say I want my 2nd and 4th to switch.
    Could do /vault switch 2 4
  20. I love how "some" of our visions are feasible and within the range of coding. I hope that whatever features are implemented help new players who join realize the uniqueness of the server.
    BlockHead_56, Fred_TWK and ThaKloned like this.