[Auction] 27 Shulkers of Cobblestone

Discussion in 'Auctions' started by Twixie23, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. Item: 27 Shulkers of Cobblestone

    Starting Bid: 1r

    Minimum Incensement Bid: 1r

    Auction Will End: 72 Hours After The Last Valid Bid

    Pickup and Preview: SMP3 7300

    Sefl likes this.
  2. 1000 i cant let a turtle win :)
    ultipig, Sefl and Twixie23 like this.
  3. 1010r!
    ultipig likes this.
  4. 3,333r
  5. 13k
    Sefl likes this.
  6. there we go, real bids ;)
  7. 15k
    Twixie23 likes this.
  8. 30k
    Twixie23 likes this.