[Events] Sunday Surprises

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Gianluca99Star, May 31, 2024.

  1. Unveil the Mystery with Sunday Surprises

    Get ready for a twist of excitement with Sunday Surprises. Every Sunday night, join us for a thrilling event where the Event, Its style, and theme remain a secret until the big reveal just a few hours before it takes place.

    From games and challenges to unexpected adventures, anything can happen! Whether you're a thrill-seeker or just love a good surprise, this is the place to be.
    Event Details
    Date: Sunday Bi-weekly
    Time: Time TBA
    Location: '/v 2223 event' or /v +Event on smp1 [Unless otherwise stated]
    Host: Gianluca99Star
    I hope to see you on Sunday for some Mystery's of fun :)


    Interested in more events? Check out the Star Events home page to see the up and coming fun we have planned for June!

  2. Heyy! its time for the first Sunday Surprise

    This week I'm keeping it simple with a giveaway!!

    Go to /v +event on SMP1, put a piece of paper with you name on it in the hopper for a chance to win several prizes! including a secret grand prize!

    paper and anvil are there already!

    you will have until Thursday to fill out your paper! don't miss your chance to win! =D
  3. The Results are in!

    We are glad to announce that we had many entries, and with the power of random name generators we have chosen the winners of our draw!

    The First Prize of An Empire Waffle goes to Ohmiku

    The Second Prize of a Fahrenheit 500k Blade & a 500K Golden Spoon goes to Palmsugar

    The Final Grand prize of a personalized note, 100k and a StarEvents Head goes to Trwe

    As we had a good amount of entries, the Bonus Prize will go to.... Raaynn

    Congratz to all the winners of this weeks Sunday Surprise

    *All the items will be mailed out today! *

    For a chance to win some more cool prizes, Join us at more of our upcoming events such as our Redstone Riddles Tonight at 7PM: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/events-redstone-riddles-trivia-event.87710/
  4. Ooo, Surprises! I Love surprises!!

    Thanks to all involved :) and congrats to the winners
    Gianluca99Star and Sefl like this.
  5. This Sunday we will be doing a giveaway at /v +Event on SMP1, Starting on Tuesday July 30 there will be a spot to enter your name into the draw, look here for more info :)

    On Sunday we will announce the winners and also give players who come to hang out at /v +Event