[B-day Giveaway] Supporter vouchers :)

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by pascal1881, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Post #21 joining the Festivities

    Happiest of Birthdays for you, marking this (possibly) adult time that comes into our lives but once a year, usually right around tax time :p
  2. Happy Bday! Hope you have had an awesome Bday :D

    I'll take #222 pls :D
  3. Wow. I went "oh who's this? Nope don't recognize them. ... ... *Brain dial up noise* WAIT" Dang it's been a long time since I've seen that name, had to go way back in the brain archives.
    Good to see you! It seems you're doing well, I'm glad :)

    It seems unwise to pick 99 since someone already got 100 haha.

    We'll go for one gross of numbers, #144 :)
    Sefl likes this.
  4. Thanks everyone for the bday wishes!

    But now.... The winners are... (note: winners are picked by Wheelofnames)

    First place (Diamond Voucher) - NuclearBobom
    Second place (Gold Voucher) - Fred_TWK
    Third place (Iron Voucher) - Sharpie42

    Congrats to you guys!
    On /v 9002 you can pick up your price (turn around on spawn =D)
    Raaynn, Sefl and Fred_TWK like this.
  5. thank you! :D
  6. thank you for doing this
  7. Congrats to the winners.

    Thanks for hosting the event pascal1881.