[CLOSED] Skyscraper Build

Discussion in 'Players for Hire' started by EquableHook, Feb 10, 2023.

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  1. Looking to have a skyscraper built on SMP2 at one of my empty reses.

    Looking for more so a shell to be built and the first few floors. I want emphasis placed on the exterior of the build and the lobby for design. Very flexible with the design and it does not need to meet the height of the build limit. Whatever seems appropriate for the build.

    Looking to pay 600k for the project (You supply materials, but I will help where I can). Please send over your portfolios or residences with past builds. Looking to set the deadline for the build at 2 months (64 days) as I want to see some real development near my residences in a short span. Looking to have the individual pre-design the work in Single Player , get approval from me, and have them/their team build it.

    Serious inquiries only please.
  2. Should be labeled [Hiring]
    For hire implies your looking for the job of building a skyscraper
    We3_MPO likes this.
  3. Requesting thread to be closed due to lack of interest :)
    Windylava likes this.
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