[Giveaway] Random Shulker Boxes

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by SteamingFire, May 21, 2022.


    Hello EMC, there is yet another giveaway.
    This one's simple. Pick a number between 1 and 47.

    I have 47 shulker boxes packed to the brim with items for you. Some are organized, some aren't. Some are bulk, some aren't. Some have full stacks, some don't. Some have promos or special items or appreciated items, some don't.

    They are randomized; I don't know what's in what anymore. Every box has every slot filled and you will get something. I hope you enjoy that something.

    Now, go ahead. Pick an available number from below.
    Note: Those who have already participated in the in-game giveaway are still allowed to participate in this forum one!

    1. daanhu
    2. KatydidBuild
    3. FadedMartian
    4. CastellanKnight
    5. SkeleTin007
    6. naMrorriM
    7. Kippy159
    8. Winfield_Hancock
    9. TheGenderBandit
    10. farmerguyson
    11. PetezzaDawg
    12. TheFryedmans
    13. Todwaru
    14. McAwesome_09
    15. HappyChai
    16. unixbrain
    17. Zomberina
    18. Emprex_Zym
    19. Torian42
    20. tamraaa
    21. LindenNZ
    22. Raaynn
    23. TECtock
    25. LunarEndergirl
    27. The_Mancub
    28. UltiPig
    29. MissBonnieParker
    30. nick92461
    31. EnigmaSpirit
    32. Dufne
    33. WitherDoggie
    34. VoidDistortion
    35. weeh
    36. BlockHead_56
    37. Dreacon78
    38. Fred_TWK
    39. Pab10S
    40. ClayPlatypus
    41. OhMiku
    42. Sharpie42
    43. wafflecoffee
    44. Aquailious
    45. KrillGin
    47. badbedwars

    First come, first served.
    I will /mail you your box.

    If your post is liked, it means that your number has been added to the list.
    If your name on the list is white, it means that your items have not yet been mailed.
    If your name on the list is grey, it means that your items have been mailed.

    Deadline to enter is Saturday, the 28th, 11:59pm EMC time
    or when all boxes are taken, whichever happens first.
  2. Ill take 31 please.
    SteamingFire likes this.
  3. 3 please
    SteamingFire likes this.
  4. 23 please
    SteamingFire likes this.
  5. 13 please.
    SteamingFire likes this.
  6. 17 would be fabulous :)
    SteamingFire likes this.
  7. 41 please and thank you
    SteamingFire likes this.
  8. Could I have number 10? Thank you. 🙂
    SteamingFire likes this.
  9. Number 25, please and thank you!
    SteamingFire likes this.
  10. I'd have to take my lucky number 43. ;)
    SteamingFire likes this.
  11. Lucky #7 please :D
    SteamingFire likes this.
  12. 21! Thanks!
    SteamingFire likes this.
  13. could i have number 42 please?

    thank you for doing this free is always fun
    SteamingFire likes this.
  14. That number has been taken. Please choose another.
  15. ill take 20 :D
    SteamingFire likes this.
  16. Boxes up to now have all been sent.
    Sharpie42 likes this.
  17. 19 please
    SteamingFire likes this.
  18. box #9 please and thank you
    SteamingFire likes this.
  19. I'll take #27 please
    SteamingFire likes this.