I am looking to aquire the following current and retired staff heads. I ask that anyone willing to sell for fair and reasonable price PM on the forums/ in-game. Some of the listed ones are not known to exist or be very rare (only handed out to close friends). Aikar (regular, unlored only) AnonReturns MoreMoople (i have the orange and pink one and the blonde hair one, need other colored ones though) NickkG Ahzrael Amadai AncientLore AncientTower (i have pretty much all his alts heads, do still need his original AT head though) AndrewBuchinger AlexC__ AusQB B4DMAN5IMON barks87 batmegh bitemenow15 bloodra1n bob23646 Crazy1080 Czarina_Julie d1223m DarkModFallen Dark_Liz Dark_Nidus deadmon5 Dreacon78 EdmundWayne Elite EmperorMelon (I have his other name head, still need a EmperorMelon head, though.) EvilBlo Eviltoade FaustLauncher GameKribJEREMY/IcecreamCow (regular, unlored only) hatorijr ItsMeMatheus iSmooch Live2DieSlowly Malicaii12 margaritte MauryPoppins MileHi MrSocks75 NurseKillJoy NZScruffy OrigamiJoe PirateofDW RainbowChin (non PVP-head) roja22 Sachrock shavingfoam slozon Slvr (I currently only need LongJohnSlvrs, Murphys__Law, SilvrBuildBlocks variants) The_Drifter92 TheCritic Tikiman678 Torian42 Twitch1 Uber_Corq WA9ACE
This isn't me selling, I'm just here to say that I believe there is a res on SMP2 where you can purchase an ItsMeMatheus head. I just don't know which number res it is.
I feel left out here as my name is missing (My head can be purchased at /v 13131 on the diamond level)
hey! These are the heads i have if your interested in any DWmom ElfinPineapple BurgerKnight (Black & Orange) MercenaryCrow The_Pebble LongJohnSlvrs (the og white variant, mountain dew variant and orange soda variant) MoreMoople and ofc a Gianluca99Star or GianniL2000 head msg if any of these interest you