1 Set of Diamond Enchanted Armor+ One Diamond Enchanted Sword

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by GreninjaFroakie, Jul 3, 2020.

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  1. Items:
    Enchanted Diamond Helmet
    - Aqua Affinity
    - Protection IV
    - Respiration III
    - Unbreaking III

    Enchanted Diamond Chestplate:
    - Protection IV
    - Unbreaking III

    Enchanted Diamond Leggings:
    - Mending
    - Protection IV
    - Unbreaking III

    Diamond Boots:
    - Depth Strider III
    - Feather Falling IV
    - Mending
    - Unbreaking III
    - Protection IV

    Diamond Sword:
    - Fire Aspect II
    - Knockback II
    - Looting III
    - Mending
    - Sharpness V
    - Sweeping Edge III
    - Unbreaking III

    Auction End: 48hrs after last valid bid
    Pickup: /v 4102 on SMP2
    Silken_thread and wafflecoffee like this.
  2. Sorry I'm a little bit new to the whole auctioning process and my auction accidently posted twice but the first one was blank! I will have a preview chest set up at 4102 at SMP2!
    Raaynn likes this.
  3. Congratulations! I will set up the chest when I get home later tonight!
  4. Access chest is set up! :)
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