Hi Everyone!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Dollarhide9901, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. I used to play maybe 4-6 years ago, but I rejoined about 3 months ago or so. I'm so happy to be back, and I'm trying out the forums finally.

    I'm looking for some team members to join in on a massive build. If you're interested, or if you're like me and prefer coop to single player, don't hesitate to message me or reply!

    Thanks and Gig 'em! Haha
  2. Welcome back!
    Ozcar_97 likes this.
  3. Welcome back! :)
  4. Welcome back! and nice avatar lol
  5. Welcome back to EMC DollarHide! :D
  6. Welcome back to the Empire! :)
  7. Welcome back! I've seen you around lately :D
  8. Hey, you have the old logo in your avatar. :D
    Good to see you on the forum. :)
  9. I simply copied that logo from the site back when I first played. I thought about changing it, but I still like this one. Nostalgia maybe.
    607 likes this.
  10. Welcome back!
  11. Welcome back!
    Like your avatar ;)
  12. Thanks! Nothing wrong with a little OG.
    607 and Stnywitness like this.