Remote Shop Signs and Item Frames Since an item frame is considered a container, I was wondering if it could be possible if you could purchase an item with a Remote Shop sign from an item frame. This would benefit players who are selling rare promos that are too uncommon to be placed in an item frame as an example and in a chest to be purchased. It would be used as an aesthetically pleasing circumstance and I think it would make promo shops not only look better, but also give a buyer an actual visual of the item. Let me know what you think!
Interesting idea! These are things that people might like to put in item frames anyway, I understand.
How would buyers know how much money they are about to pay, or if it's actually a selling frame? I feel like every purchase with one of these would require a pop-up UI to guarantee the user understands the transaction when they punch an itemframe. Which could limit the utility of these in shops, because it's kind of annoying to spam purchase anything with a pop-up UI.
The suggestion isn't to let item frames be an alternative to remote shop signs, but to let item frames be an alternative to chests when using remote shop signs. The amount of money to pay is of course on the sign, not on the chest or, in this suggestion, item frame.
I think this idea should be expanded to ALL container items like dispensers, hoppers, etc! This would open up the idea for even easier wireless redstone!
This is the definition of using a choose sign, so that you know what you are getting/selling. I realize that you are trying to have remote signs do a thing... but it is already super easy to do. But it does need a chest/barrel.
I understand a choose sign is available, I think it would be a nice alternative to have the item in an item frame instead of a chest so that it could give the buyer a visual of what it looks like in an item frame.