1.15 Hype Thread

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by naMrorriM, Mar 12, 2020.


What new feature are you most looking forward to?

Scaffolding 8 vote(s) 36.4%
Foxes 1 vote(s) 4.5%
Dolphins 3 vote(s) 13.6%
So Many New Blocks 15 vote(s) 68.2%
BEES?!? 6 vote(s) 27.3%
Illagers 4 vote(s) 18.2%
Turtles 3 vote(s) 13.6%
Tridents 6 vote(s) 27.3%
Something Else (Post Below) 6 vote(s) 27.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. With 1.15 just around the corner what are you most looking forward to? Is there anything that will break with the update that you will miss? What have you prepared to get the ball rolling the minute the update drops? Let's talk about it!

    Also huge thanks to the dev team for working on this for literally years using your own time, energy, and patience. We all appreciate it so much! :)
  2. I am most looking forward to scaffolding and honey blocks. Also the new default textures look very good (except quartz, looks a little funky).
    I've traded probably over a thousand enchanted books from villagers before they change, and I'm stockpiling Ocelot Eggs since in the update Cat and Ocelot Eggs are separate.
  3. I hope this will bring some more people to go play on this server again... :p
  4. I am most looking forward to all the different building blocks, so many more options to play around with.
    Also new farm designs etc.
    Gonna be amazing to have new stuff on EMC!
  5. I am 1/2 way a 9 by 9 chunk hole for farms so i will be waiting a while before i start exploring
    luckycordel and naMrorriM like this.
  6. I pumped for scaffolding... That stuff is awesome.
    Also excited for the new mobs and illagers and such, and also lots of new blocks!
    (basically, I'm excited for everything)
  7. I'm not sure if I'm excited about the water change... I guess if you die in water it's nice your items will float to the top..
    luckycordel, khixan and naMrorriM like this.
  8. Honestly... im most excited for Empires on EMC coming along with 1.15 :)
    luckycordel, khixan and naMrorriM like this.
  9. I'd like to explore one of the nice underwater biomes! They seem pretty and light. Maybe I should see if I have a helmet with Respiration ready. :p
    luckycordel, khixan and naMrorriM like this.
  10. I’m excited to build some new more efficient iron farms, and the coral blocks look really fun to work with! I’m gonna miss the old way of villager trading though
  11. For more than two years, I have been concerned if EMC would ever update to a newer MC version again. Now that the end of an era is near, I'm not as excited as I was with previous MC updates. That isn't on the fault of Mojang's though. I think they are actually getting better at updating the game. It is just that my interests have gradually changed to other games. :cool:

    Being the best-selling video game of all-time and one of the best sandbox games, Minecraft has allowed me and countless others to express ourselves in a variety of ways. People may believe one can create anything through Minecraft, but it is not the best creation platform for everything. It has its limitations. As a video game, it does not do everything better than other games. There is a reason why say: Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, A Hat in Time and Zelda: Breath of the Wild were made in the face of Minecraft's success. You can play MC as a 3D platformer or a Metroidvania, but the game is not designed to specifically be either of those genres. It does not show the full picture of the interactive medium it is apart of.

    Because MC has such a broad, vast appeal to people around the globe, there is pressure to deliver a game that excels at everything. However, that is a unrealistic dream I doubt will ever happen. There is no jack-of-all-trades master of all. Gamers who are upset with MC's development in specific areas may simply need to find a different game (or a MC mod) that delivers in those places.

    In my time playing non-Minecraft games in recent years, I have realized which games to play for different experiences. I would rather play Dungeon Defenders or Gemcraft instead of a MC tower defense mini-game. So, what does Empire Minecraft 1.15.2 have to offer that appeals to me personally? I'll probably have to find out for myself.

    P.S: Alongside the core Pokemon series, I have been bothered by design shortcomings a good number of times while playing Minecraft, hindering my enjoyment with the game.
    luckycordel, 607 and naMrorriM like this.
  12. I am looking forward to new blocks to build with, as well as a few new potions. :) My main priority when the update comes out will be getting all of the wiki pages updated, woot!! :D
    PetezzaDawg, luckycordel, 607 and 2 others like this.
  13. are there gonna be items that won't be craftable anymore, and if so anyone has a link?
  14. Prismarine slabs and stairs.. my precious!!!! :D
    naMrorriM and luckycordel like this.
  15. I'm so ready to bring my village to life. As well as all the new blocks.:D
    khixan likes this.
  16. Slab, stair, and wall variants for almost all stone type blocks! Can't wait :D
    khixan and luckycordel like this.