THANKSGIVING WEEK EVENTWhere: smp5 /v creaturecaptureWhen: Multiple Times, Nov. 23rd - 27thVisit if you've never played before.To celebrate Thanksgiving, please join Krysyy at one of the various Creature Capture events held, starting THIS SATURDAY. The schedule is posted below! Saturday: 12 pm EMC time (noon)Sunday: 12 pm EMC time (noon)Monday: rescheduled to tuesdayTuesday: 4 pm (w/ RainbowChin) and 6 pm EMC time and 10 pm EMC timeWednesday: 6 pm EMC time Then, don't miss the Thanksgiving Event taking place at 12 pm EMC time (noon) on THURSDAY the 28th! Stay tuned to the forums/discord for more information!
I can't believe that I have only played this game once on EMC in all my time here since 2014. I am looking forward to participating in these events of course based on time of the events.
Ok. Be back from the store before that. I need to bring a fishing pole and what else? I only did this event once before.
Thanks Nony. I' gonna bring my voters fishing pole and a stick? ahhh for eggifying them. It's been a while and I only did this event once.
Due to personal issues and inability for a replacement host tonight, Monday 10 pm event is rescheduled to Tuesday at 10pm. So there will be 2 events on Tuesday instead.