Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Stnywitness, Sep 27, 2019.


The Poll Of Nothing

N/A 6 vote(s) 54.5%
N/A 5 vote(s) 45.5%
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  1. I am auctioning off my old head. Click this link to see my old skin: https://namemc.com/skin/60c1da6a52bd305b

    This is the last head in exsistance (I believe...if I end up finding more I will incinerate them).

    Item: Old Stnywitness Head!
    Starting Bid: 5K
    Minumum Bid Increment: 50r
    Auction Ending Time: 3 Days After Last Valid Bid

    And who knows, maybe I'll become staff one day, and whoever ends up with my last old head will sell it for like 10 billion rupees :rolleyes::aikar:
  2. 5555r
    I just want heads. So, probably won't sell it.
    Stnywitness likes this.
  3. Well... https://prnt.sc/pbysp0 (4567 on smp2)

    Stnywitness likes this.
  4. 7777r

    I gotta say, toche!
    Stnywitness likes this.
  5. Crap. I am burning those instantly. I didn't even know that that stand was still in buisness XD
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  6. Okay, heads have been removed there and everywhere else. :D
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  7. 10k
    I want them back!! :mad::p
    Stnywitness likes this.
  8. 12k
    Stnywitness likes this.
  9. 30,050r
    Stnywitness likes this.
  10. 30100r
    Stnywitness likes this.
  11. 30,150r
    Stnywitness likes this.
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